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New member
im a8 and attending collage on long island. How old do i have to be to buy a snake. becaue my parents are back home in cali. and there no way there coming out to get me a snake.lol
... You don't have to be a certain age to buy a snake. Why would you have to be? Maybe some places make you be a legal adult, but I'm not sure. You should be a legal adult already if you are in college anyway, right?
most petstores won't sell you animals under 16 and alot of breeders don't sell to people under 18 but i'm sure if you live on your own a breeder wouldn't deny you a snake if your not 18..
Are you in dorms or other college/rented accommodation? Will your college/landlord allow you to keep a snake? How are you going to care for it in vacations - take it home with you or leave it with someone near college?

You maybe need to think ahead on this type of issue before buying a snake.