My son has 2 corns, 1 male and 1 female. Following a successful breeding the male has become very aggressive in his behaviour.
The pair we kept together until the female laid and since the seperation the male has become increasingly aggressive. We have only had the male for a few months and when he came to us was under weight and I do not think he had been handle much. However he was never aggressive just very active and like lighting through your hands when handled.
Since the seperation he has struck out whilst his water is changes and repeatidly struck out a people viewing him through the glass. when viewed he usually adopts an aggressive posture.
Is this behaviour just due to the seperation and now the female has gone he feels the need to defend his terroritry?
The pair we kept together until the female laid and since the seperation the male has become increasingly aggressive. We have only had the male for a few months and when he came to us was under weight and I do not think he had been handle much. However he was never aggressive just very active and like lighting through your hands when handled.
Since the seperation he has struck out whilst his water is changes and repeatidly struck out a people viewing him through the glass. when viewed he usually adopts an aggressive posture.
Is this behaviour just due to the seperation and now the female has gone he feels the need to defend his terroritry?