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Kingsley has gotten aggressive. I recently moved. His temps were low the first couple of days so I was like "okay, thats why" raised them up and still the same. Could be that everytime he strikes I jerk my hand back? Should I just let him bite and push through so he knows who's boss? Lol
Let him strike. Each time you jerk away, you teach him that if he strikes, you leave him alone. He needs to learn that trying to bite won't make you give up.
Chances are you'll barely notice I've had worse injuries from kittens,mice and hamsters than corn snake bites.

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He will not be able to bite (effectively, if at all) if you put your hand down flat over his head/body. Then gather him up with your fingers. Once you have him in your hand- usually, almost always, you won't get a defensive bite to the hand holding the snake. They go for every other part of your body! If he starts running away, then he also is much less likely to bite (fight or flight, you know). So capture him and take him out and cuddle him in your closed hand until he relaxes.
And if you have just moved, give him a week or so to settle in. Even though it is the same viv it is new surroundings, new smells and new sounds.