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AHHHH! I'm so mad!


lemme go! I'm sleeping!
I'm fed up with people lately! They are so stupid! stupid! stupid! stupid!:angry01: Here are my responses to the idiots:

First, let me be clear: I'm not talking about anyone in this forum. I'm referring to people I've spoken to recently.
Thank you all for letting me vent. Feel free to post, I'd like some feedback. Just so I know I'm not the only one who's having a bad week.:)

Angry rant begins here:

To the lady in the pet store who thought corns ate crickets: They don't. I don't care what the guy at petsmart told you. I said I don't care. Stop arguing with me. I said SHUT UP AND LISTEN!:flames:

To the owner of the dog that bit me (lots of stitches..grrr) and then claimed he never had time to train the dog to not attack people: If you don't have time to socialize the dog, DON'T GET A *Bleep Bleep* DOG! Now I had to get rabies shots because the guy never bothered to keep the dog up to date on it's shots. My arm is full of stitches, and he still believes he owes me nothing. Not even an apology. :angry01:

To the guy at the mall: Stop staring at my chest. If you must stare, don't be so obvious that I feel the need to zip up my jacket. Don't stare at my behind either. If you must stare at my behind, please do it discreetly so I don't feel the need to back up against a wall. And no, I'm not going to fall for the "I dropped my book, can you pick it up (so I can check out your behind?)" thing. You're young and fit. I've got stitches. Get your own stupid book.

To my co-worker who asked me if I was pregnant: No. I'm not pregnant. I'm just fat. But thank you, for mistaking that bulge of plumpness in my abdomen for a fetus. What a wonderful boost for my self-esteem.:eek1:

One thing's for sure..I love this forum.:)
Wow.. the last 2 were the best. (sorry)
Well I'm having a bad day too.. but I don't feel the need to rant anymore. Because now, i keep a journal. You know, I really suggest having one, and a gun can be handy too but that's a last resort.
Well I'm a little old to be starred a. I have since the age of 12 worn baggy shirts and sweaters, 90% of the time. I hated the assumption because I'm blonde and have big boobs, I'm dumb.
Even worse is going to the Mall with my grand-daughters and have some guy stare at their chest. I went up to men a few times and said would you stare at your sister like this. The worse was when my youngest grand-daughter was 12 and some guy just starred at her chest (it runs in the family). I went up to him and said if he didn't want to eat is body parts for dinner take his eyes off my grand-daughter. A few minutes later I saw him with a woman and a child, I asked if this was her husband. &^^%$%7.
As far as being pregnant my grandson asked his uncle (my son) one time if he had a baby in his tummy, it was cute from a three year old.
I'm sorry you are having a bad week - and rabies shots are never fun. I can't say I enjoy them.
About people who know nothing about reptiles.... AHHH I feel your pain. I had a girl tell me that all reptiles only grow to fit the size of the tank you have them in. Tell that to a burmese python. Right.
And guys suck. I can't even begin to list the number of bad experiences I have had with men. Try to ignore it - they are pigs!

I hope you have a better week soon!
You know, I really suggest having one, and a gun can be handy too but that's a last resort.

Nah, actually. Get licensed (If your country requires it) and go to a range. Target shooting is a great stress reliever. Just go with a long rifle bolt action single shot .22 if you're new to it. :p Safest weapon to learn on.
It sounds like someone had a sucky day!
About pet store idiot, let it slide. You can't teach the stupid, you will only frustrate yourself trying. Walk away!
About the dog, that sucks. Take the owner to court if you can. I am a little afraid of large dogs and I think they can sense it. I hate people who think a leash law isn't meant for them, especially when they don't pick up after their mutt. Maybe if you get him in the pocketbook he will keep the beast under control and up to date on shots...
About the starer, go up to him and embarass him by asking what he is staring at you like that for. Tell him "pick up your own book, perv!" If there is a bright side at least he found you gawk-worthy, I'm not that endowed in that area and get confused for a man all the time. I'm not sure which is worse!
About the coworker, I'm not sure how much you have to work together so it might not be good idea to come up with a smart a$$ answer, but I'm sure they feel bad for asking if you told them you're not pregnant.
And remember it's all about trying to find the good in with the bad, there's always an up side though sometimes it's harder to find!
Well it seems I'm not the only one who has been having a bad week..I hope you don't mind me ranting a little on my own as I kind of feel the need to get some stuff out to..

First off..2 weeks ago I had landed a graphic design job (finally!!!) (mind you I hadn't been working for 2 months now) only to be let go 2 DAYS LATER!! When the boss called me to his office all he said was "It's not you..I just don't have the need for a graphic designer like I thought I would because the plans I had just haven't gone through"...So I sobbed in the car...while sobbing I get a call from a wedding photography studio that I had applied for as a sales person (Tele-marketing technically)..She wanted me to come in for orientation..I needed a job so I said yes...Everything is going great..they love the idea that I'm also a graphic designer and Marina (the woman in charge) was one of the nicest people I could ever ask for as a boss...So everything is good..or so I thought...today out of NOWHERE...she calls me into her office and fires me..I ask her why and she says "Oh it's not you..It's just the website that we use to collect your leads has been sending us people who already have photographers for their weddings...and since we're not getting that many leads we dont' need someone in the morning" So I tell her I'm willing to do afternoons and she states that "Louie has afternoons and we don't really need 2 people...so I then ask her "well what about Louie?" (Now know this before I continue..me and Louie started on the same day last week...since then he has called out 5 days! claiming to have food poison 3 of them and his grandmother was in the hospital the other 2...I on the other hand have volunteered to come in to cover for him, I have stayed late when Marina had to run some errands..etc etc..I've done a lot in a week's time) anyway...she claims "well...Louie is getting better responses on the phone because he's been getting the good leads".....I then ask well if you can't afford more people to work then who was that girl that was watching me 2 days ago and I was showing her how to call people..She tells me..."Oh that girl is going to take over my responsibilities when I'm out since I'll be having my baby soon..So she's gonna be doing sales and the graphic design...(That was the stab through the heart)...I told her okay and gave her my time card and she wrote me my ONE WEEK CHECK!!! and I left..

I have been in such a misery lately...It seems no matter what job I get I can't seem to keep...I want a job in my field to show my family who constantly say I went to college for nothing that I CAN amount to something..My boyfriend has been taking all the bills onto himself and he is really struggling..plus his boss is being extremely horrible to him but he doesn't want to report it in fear that he could lose his assistant manager position and then we would be screwed..So he sucks up his pride and lets this jerk curse him out, yell at him and belittle him almost everyday..

I have been in such a depression lately..The only real joys I've had these past few weeks is talking on this forum and hanging out with my friends..but even that saddens me because their always paying for me to go places with them...I use to be able to pay for myself..I'm not used to people handing me money and stuff..I just don't feel right about it..Also these past few days I've been coughing up a storm and just found out a friend of mine that I hung out with recently found out she has strep throat..so I'm pretty nervous right now not having any insurance or anything to pay for a doctor..If I do get sick it's usually always bad since my immune system is not that strong..

So yes..these past few weeks have sucked..and it is dragging me more and more down...I want to get another snake soo badly..but my boyfriend keeps saying no..there's a reptile show the day after my birthday (Feb. 22 for all of you wondering..hehe) and my friend is paying for me to go..that is her gift to me..I know I'm gonna want a snake when I go there..but right now..It's the last thing I need financially...:0(

Thank you all for listening...
Wow! Some bad times for some good people I see. Sorry you ladies are having a rough time right now. Remember- stupid people wont learn thats why they are stupid. And remember one other thing- once things hit bottom theres no where to go but up. So keep smiling and no matter how mad some one makes you, kill em with kindness. Works every time!

Oh and if it makes you feel any better-It snowed this week and now I have 5 boys that didn't have school the past 2 days! :crazy02:
Argh! Can we just make this the official vent thread thingy?
I've been out of work for so &^%$# long. My utility bills are killing me! And I just sat on my reading glasses and squished them :(
The sun will come out, tomorrow...:flames::fullauto::uzi::twoguns:
About the dog....

You should really report it to your local humane society. The dog big you so badly you needed stitches. What if it does the same to a child next time? It's not about getting an apology. Please report it, because with an owner that ignorant it will happen again.
Geez and I thought my week was bad, not really, just feeling sorry for myself. Glad I can't work anymore. I don't even know what to say, I empathize with all of you out of work. My biggest worry when I hear things like this do you have food, a place to sleep. I can't stand the thought of someone going hungry and not having a bed to sleep in. My heart goes out to you. susang
Sorry, I was indulging in the self pity fest too! But the truth is I was kinda being a bit sarcastic with mine. It's Kilala's thread, I saw it derailing and jumped on top of dog pile. It's always nice to know I have a few friends on this forum who care about me but in reality the problems I'm having are minor compared to some folks' problems. I have both eyes, all my fingers and toes, plenty of food, cool pet corn snakes and a warm place to sleep. For these and other things I am grateful. ( I just had that horrible song from "Annie" in my head so thought I would annihilate it with agro smileys. )

I'm so sorry you guys are havin' such a hard time this week. I'm not having the greatest week either ughh!! lol... bills bills bills, and that's all I gotta say about that lol.

I agree, we need a venting thread. Thanks lol. I think this is very helpful to get stuff off of your chest lol.

You guys I'm here if you wanna PM me, I love gettin emails and I love sending them. hehehee...

Take care and have a good nite all,

Lil. :)
Yep, venting helps! I've got such bad debts from being sick off work that it's scary. As soon as I'm back I'll have to try to take at least 1 night bank-shift work a week to get my finances under control. And because of people taking sick leave and choosing to work bank shifts I have to be back for 2 weeks before I can book any extra work. I want to get back to work now, but all the shifts are covered! And my boss wants to get my holiday owing dealt with, but holiday is paid at flat rate (like my sick pay) and I need my shift allowances!
But, I've got a roof over my head. My job is safe. I'm on the mend. And well enough to sit a horse for the first time in over a year. I may be getting further into debt before I can climb out again but I've been in worse finances before.
Still alive and kicking!
I'm sorry about all you good people being out of work. I thought I had it bad..at least I'm breaking even and can still go out every week. I feel like a spoiled brat, with my little complaints..I sincerely hope everthing gets better for everyone.

You should really report it to your local humane society. The dog big you so badly you needed stitches. What if it does the same to a child next time? It's not about getting an apology. Please report it, because with an owner that ignorant it will happen again.

I did report it. That dog had complaints against it before, owner says it had bitten 3 people before, but none of them reported it. Dog is to be put down on monday. Sigh..I feel bad. It's not the dog's fault it didn't get the proper training. And before anyone screams "pitbull", it was a yellow lab that bit me. yet another reason breed-specific legislation won't work. I'm lucky the dog didn't eat my arm, it just seperated a chunk of flesh and left it hanging there.

On top of that, my arm is killing me. So I have to take pain meds around the clock, even at oh-dark-hundred if I don't want to wake up screaming in agony. I have to keep a cover on it in public because it's so gross (then again..maybe it'll draw people away from my chest and butt), stitches everywhere, and the skin around it looks blood-stained. Is it even possible for blood to stain skin? I'm afraid to scrub it any more than I have to in the shower. It was a very long time (at least a half hour) before I could get to a hospital, I'd lost so much blood they had to give me some. Jerk wouldn't even drive me to hospital, I had to walk to someone's house to use their phone. I'm going to nail him in court for that, too. I passed out from blood loss on that poor old woman's doorstep. Gotta remember to send her flowers, she probably saved my life.

You're absolutely right. I child would've been killed if it lost that much blood. I guess it just hit the wrong vein (the same one they use to take blood from at blood drives) or whatever. Also, I didn't have anything decent except my jacket to stop the bleeding...that probably contributed to blood loss. And I was walking. I'm an adult, I can take a lot of abuse and still survive. But even under the best conditions, that injury would've killed a child.
Oh wow. That owner sounds horrible. I hope the pain will go away soon. Sorry for my part in derailing the thread! I didn't realize the injury was so serious :(. I love animals, but sometimes it's the only thing to be done. Yellow lab wouldn't have been my first guess either, but after reading this I am sure it was not the dog but the way it was trained to blame. A jerk who can't even take you to the hospital when you have a life threatening injury, who knows how he treats his animals. What an awful experience...
(hugs) to everyone having a bad week...man oh man!

I'd love to add my own vent (scuze the hijack) :)

So I had to take one of the Day Geckos at work to the vet, becuase she wasn't really bouncing back from laying her eggs :( Xrays, Calcium, Vit A +D administered, and she's recovering nicely, and going to a great breeder when she's ready :)

Anyway, one of my coworkers waas dropping off another animal to the same vet, and was asked by the Tech, "So, is the Gecko dead yet?" She was in shock (she keeps herps herself) and was disgusted that they all started LAUGHING about it! WTF? Not remotely funny, heartless is more like it. Why in the hell did you get in the veteranary field if you have that attitude! I don't get it!
Wow guys. I am so sorry everyone is having such a bad week.

Kilala - I am soooo sorry to hear about your dog attack. I would definitely take that guy to court. He can and should do jail time for not at least calling an ambulance for you. It is a law. I hope you recover soon. No the blood won't permanently stain your skin but i would be careful about scrubbing the area. And don't feel bad about the dog. It is better than someone dieing. I hate people who shouldn't have pets cuz they are unwilling to take care of them. You are really lucky though. When I was in middle school way back when my brother got attacked by the neighbors dog. We new this dog but it was never trained. They had him (Samoan-Chow mix) chained in the front yard cuz they were doing some work in the back yard. My brother was going over to see his buddy and sees the dog tangled up so he bends down on one kneed to help out the dog and after just pets him for a minute. The moment my brother went to get up the dog attacked (dominance issues) it thought my brother was making a challenge. If the dog had been taught "man is boss" this wouldn't have happened. The dog came 1/8 of an inch away from hitting his jugular vein. My brother had hundreds of stitches (his ear virtually reconstructed) and hundreds of staples in his head. He was lucky and had people to pull the dog off and one of the owners of the dog was a nurse and knew what to do. Because everything is based around insurance we had to take them to court. Be glad this guy is a stranger. It is much harder when you have to take a neighbor to court and it changes everything. Eventually everything worked out and my brother and his friend continued being friends.

I would walk buy that guy at the mall in a low cut top and as you walk by say "Dream on you perv."

For the jobless - Most of us have been there at least one time in our lives. I have had some pretty hard times too. Hang in there. Things will get better. I wish you well on the job hunts. Maize - I know just how you feel about wanting to get a job in your field so your folks will shut up. My dad always wanted me to go to college but since i told him i was going for zoology he has been completely unsupportive. Yeah so what I am not going into computers where i can make 6 figures right off the bat. But I will be able to get a good job that pays well enough to put a roof over my head and pay my bills and I will be HAPPY. I am not about to spend every day of my life in some boring government job my dad wants me to get. I will finish my 2 year degree this summer and transfer and I already have lab experience and recommendations out the wazoo from some highly recognized people in the biological field. I'll show up my dad.. and I am sure you can show up your folks too! Keep at it and you will make it!

Ok yeah I think we need a rant thread after all. I didn't realize I had anything to rant about lol. Guess I was wrong.

My week - I have been sick since Monday (Oh for the person that was starting to feel sick take Zicam asap. It helps. I recommend the Gel Swab form.) Other than that I don't have many complaints. My week has been surprisingly great. I unexpectedly met a guy who I have so much in common with it is scary. He fits in the category of "to good to be true." So basically now I am terrified the bomb will drop as it always does with me and relationships. *crosses fingers for a bomb free zone*

Ok I feel we need to be in the wisdom of Ron White:

"I believe..........I'll have a scotch!"

"When life gives you lemons make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka and have a party!"