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air-dry clay o.k.


New member
My daughter did a school project using air dry modeling clay and we have a bunch left over. I was thinking of making some snake furnishings out of it.
I didn't think there would be anything in it that would hurt my snake, but wanted to check here first.
Also if you have made anything, post a pic so I can get some ideas.
I already made a hide and I was thinking of making something to climb on.
i dont know, but i am thinking that it would be okay if it hasnt been treated? maybe use non-toxic, water proof paint on top as well just to make sure. :D
I know a lot of people have used Sculpey polymer clay, but that has to be oven dried. I think they seal it with something so it isn't porous and doesn't retain bacteria.

I was going to give it a shot until I finally found some Sculpey at Michaels crafts store. Wow that stuff is expensive! Buying pre-made hides from online herp supply dealers is much cheaper.