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Alice is boy!


New member
Yup. Alice is a boy, so is Kingsley. So no breeding of those 2. But the girls are devastated haha. So "she" is still a she according to them. Its their snake but I take care of him. Da hell? I don't mind haha. I enjoy the hobby.
I love that Alice is a "he", named Alice. Sex is one thing, but gender is all societally and culturally based. She can be a she if your daughters want it that way :) or he can be a he named Alice. It's lovely either way!

I actually really like that point, Alice would be a unique name for a boy. but it could work!
kinda reminds me of Alex, short for Alexander.. but with a twist! ;)

Im all about unique and different names, so Alice for a boy sounds perfect to me!

I love that you pointed that out! :eek:
I was thinking of Alex, too. Oh well. It's not like your snake is gonna be offended by being called Alice...
Not daughters, Fiancé and sister-in-law haha. Not sure if that worse or not?
I'm thinking of renaming him to Xzavier because of the "X" on his head pattern. As seen in this pic! Lol.
I guess its more of a Y... But still! Kinda looks like an X


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I really couldn't tell you if that's better or not, ;)
and yeah, his head pattern does look like an X!

very neat, I love how different they all are! :eek:
Lol- And Oscar is a girl. I had HIM for 9 or 10 years before HE layed eggs. Oscar has been Oscar for too long to change now. I do refer to Oscar as she, but that takes a concerted effort. And she doesn't mind being called Oscar even a little bit.
He is totally amused with my phone! If I have him out to take a picture he stops whatever hes doing and looks right it. I can never get one of him flickering his tongue though. :(