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always hiding??


New member
So I just got my new baby on sunday and I did everything right (or atleast I think so) I didn't play with her, I set the temps before I went and got her so they are good. And I just opened the deli cup lid and put the whole thing in her viv and she crawled out on her own will. The first time she was exploring a lot and moving all around. But since then she has not moved from her little coconut hide.

I don't know if this is normal for a new baby just to stay there, or what.

I should mention that she is on the cold side of the viv, the temp on the warm side is 83.2 and she had a shed on April 26 and doesn't seem to be going into blue right now. I have not fed her yet, I was planning on thursday, is that too soon?
That's pretty normal for a Corn Snake, full stop! New arrivals will be particularly secretive. She'll venture out more once she's used to the sounds and smells of her new home, which could take a few weeks.

Having said that, Corns are naturally most active at times of low or no light - dawn, dusk or overnight. You don't often see them out and about during the day.

Also worth considering that she ideally needs two hides - one on the warm side and one on the cool side, so she can move from one to the other if she needs to. Plastic foliage as ground cover is also great - it allows them to move around whilst staying hidden and makes the tank look good.

We usually recommend leaving new Corns without handling of feeding for a week, just to allow them an initial calm period of settling in. If you can hold off for a few more days, that'd be best. That extra time without food won't harm her.
Snakes are usually good at a few things, and keeping hid is one of them. I wouldn't worry about her hiding a lot it is what snakes do. Eat, hide, drink, hide, pooh, hide. After she sheds I would go ahead and feed her.

Bitsy covered it, but yeah hiding is normal. All corns hide to some extent (some are shyer than others, but all hide at least some of the time). Babies especially spend most of thier time hiding.

From her perspective, right now she's at the bottom of the potential food chain and pretty much anything out there might be wanting to eat her. As they get older/bigger they tend to get braver and will usually come out and spend more time in the open (but not always...depends on the snake's personality).

And don't worry about her spending time on the cool side...as long as you have [at least] two hides [one on the cool side, one on the warm side, more if you want...I keep one in the middle of the tank] then she'll move between them as she needs to for thermo-regulation. My boys spend most of thier time on the cool side or under the water dish in the middle, unless they've just eaten.

If you just got her today then Thursday seems a little soon for feeding. I'd wait at least a week. Actually what I'd do is to just decide on whatever her regular feeding schedule is going to be (my boys get fed every Sunday) and just wait for that day to roll around for the first time, even if it's more than a week...a couple of extra days won't hurt and it'll make a regular schedule easier to maintain.
ok sounds good. I will wait until sunday then to feed her. I should have said that she has about 7 different hides all around the tank with leaves all over the place so she has plenty places to hide.

She was last fed on April 22nd, is that to long for not even a year old snake to hold off until this sunday?
A few extra days will be fine. I've had hatchlings go without eating (of their own accord, I hasten to add!) for a couple of months with no ill effects.