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Am I overreacting?

Am I overreacting about this? (Read post below)

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Romulan with corn snakes
Ok, so I float onto craigslist looking for snakes... (stone me later) And I come across yet another post that makes my blood boil. "Gravid female for sale" GRAVID FEMALE? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure gravid means "full of eggs" Correct me if I'm wrong on that. IF that's true, then that's like saying: "Pregnant cat for sale". *sigh*

*End of epic rant*
Now that that's over, tell me. Am I overreacting?
Well, some people sell gravid females. I bought a possibly gravid ball python this season. It's not super common, but it is done by many people.

Most people do not sell the females if it is very close to time for them to lay. They will wait and ship/sell after.

Is it safe? Eh, probably, as long as they are not really close to laying. Do you run the risk of losing the eggs. Maybe.

It happens more than you think. It's a calculated risk by the buyer and seller.
I've shipped gravid animals before with no issue. These animals are tougher than we give them credit for. They've survived millions of years without us, and they will be here long after we're gone. How many gravid snakes in the wild have been attacked by predators and made out just fine. I can see where you're upset, but it really isn't a big deal.
I think it would depend. It's done a fair amount by reputable breeders and buyers and that is an acceptable thing. If on the other hand its someone who knows little or nothing about husbandry, threw a male and female together to see what would happen and then decided they were tired of the animals and wants to get rid of them, then that would be something else again.
I'm going with "it depends." I have a snake here on breeding loan, that I had planned on sending home after breeding, so I would have less hatchlings to deal with. She blew up SO FAST though, I didn't feel comfortable shipping her gravid. But hand-delivered- I'd feel comfortable with that.
I agree on the "depends" how far along is she, and what sorta precautions the seller takes to insure the snake will go to a good home
For me it would also depend on the intentions of the owner as well. If it was a "I kept two unsexed corns together and whoops one is female and now I have eggs." or "I wanted to breed just to see what happened and now I realize I can't take care of babies so I'm trying to hock the mom which shows I probably don't care about them as living creatures and more like decorations." then I would say yes, they need to do some SERIOUS learning about corn snake care and take some responsibility and not try to hock the female like a product.

BUT for all we know they're a small time breeder who only intended to do it a few times, or even a larger breeder who cares deeply for their animals and this female but she just doesn't fit in with their breeding plans or they realize they don't have the funds for all their snakes and need to downsize a bit.