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Amaretto bloodred??


New member
I purchased a few snakes 5 or 6 years ago from vinman, from the Rich Hume mystery line of ambers.
originally it was just the 2 ambers with lots of poss hets, and over the years I have produced obviously similar snakes to those that a lot of you guys there in the states have done.
so, going on your recent new naming of the amaretto corn, I thought i'd get your opinions on these.. I had always labelled these snakes as amber anery bloodred, but they have always seemed visual lavenders, which of course were always a possibility.
I should have all the answers of exactly what mine are later this year, as all eggs from the projects look good so far.

so we'll start of with the 2010 male 'amaretto bloodred' or amber anery blood.. whatever he turns out to be??.



This is a small 2011, of what appears to be the same morph..

the same 2011 male, pretty much out of the egg...


so at this point, obviously I dont know 100% exactly what these are.. but should know soon enough, I also hatched a white version of this in 2010 too.. which unfortunately i sold in the end, so that snake was lightly homo hypo, caramel, amel, bloodred, then anery AND OR lavender..
Gotcha! It looks like you got some of the Peach Phase influence from the line. Awesome critters!
I've got the original Peach male...hopefully I can make some of these in the coming years.
I'm just looking forward to knowing exactly what is in the snake morph wise, and also I have added a few other genes to it.. so long term, for me anyway, it will get even better I hope,
Good luck with yours too.
any of those guys breeding these or in on the project care to add any info?, would be greatly appreciated.. even just opinions.
nice one jamie, I hadnt seen that as it happens.. so thanks..
I'm surprised more people havent had much to say on it really, especially the people involved in it. quite disappointing really.