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Amber & Humbug

Vicki M

Vicki M
Im new on this forum, i thought id just post a couple of pics of my snakes.

Amber the amel is 2 and i have had her about 4 months. I just bought the anery Humbug on saturday. They are both living in my 4foot viv and seem quite happy together at the moment. Humbug is much bigger than Amber. The pics arnt too good but will hopefully get some better ones of Humbug when I start to handle her.


Beautiful "classic" examples of amel and anery corns! Amber has a lovely rich saturation of red and orange and Humbug is a stunning black on silvery grey! It doesn't get any better than that! Are you quite sure both are females? If Humbug has been mis-sexed and is really a male, you may end up with a potential problem since they are being housed together. Amber is old enough to breed but, due to her size, may have problems laying eggs should she become gravid. Just a word of caution. Even the best of breeders have mis-sexed at least one snake!
Well im gonna wait until the new year and take them both to a reputable reptile vet for the once over and to get them sexed again (2 opinions always better if you ask me). I hope they are though!
Hi Vicki
Cought up with you at last,lol
Great pic's and good looking corn's, where's my copy for the site? the second one would be great as they complement each other beauifully.

Welcome to my second home.
I can send u that one if you like or would u rather wait till next week when i can get some better ones? Ive sent some to steve to put on his site but i thought they were a bit poo!!
Nice pics
but man those photos are huge~~
have to scroll around the page in order to see the photos
that amel kind of looks a bit chubby (there seems to be fatty deposits at the tail in one of the photos)
Yea i know, was the first attempt at putting photos on here, i think i know how to get them smaller now!
My amel is tiny, hes about an inch wide at the most. I see what you mean about the tail. I was told they usually bulge a bit at the end? I will have to get it checked out tho. I will try and get a better pic of her tail and post it on, get a few more opinions. Cheers for spotting it!