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Amel and Ultramel Clutch from Dave Harms - Progression Thread!

Thanks, she is really cool looking. I can't decide what she is going to look like. I'm not TOTALLY sure she is butter, but maybe?
I have an anery baby that I kept back this year like that. She is getting very purply. Suspected Dad is het bloodred so maybe she is getting some influence from him but like these babies, it is impossible to capture true color in pictures for a second opinion. :shrugs: So I guess we all just get to play the guessing game.
Prudence just shed. Didn't even notice that she was getting ready to. Just found the skin in her vines. Will get some pics as soon as I get home. Her partner is crime (another female hatchling, they are in tanks side by side and they do everything at the same time, shed, hang in vines, drink) gave me a great idea for pictures. I have a charlie brown christmas tree sitting on her tank and she reached up and hung from it so I think that the babies should have their pics taken hanging from the tree. We will see how they come out.
So last Saturday was feeding day. I always feed at night after everyone goes to bed but this time I was trying to get a new king snake to eat and figured what the heck I will go ahead and feed everyone since I have the food out. So I pull out Prudence and the other 2 babies that eat with her. Obviously, not the same tub just same time. :) Prudence finishes before the other two and my husband holds her for a little bit while I spot clean tanks and clean out water dishes by this time Missy is done eating too. So I take her and Prudence and put them back in their tanks go back for the last baby and put him in his tank. Look over and Prudences lid is not on all the way. Thinking I was gone for 2 mins shed didn't get out all ready but I better double check. Couldn't find her. Asked my husband to look while I start checking by the stand. We checked her tank 8 times. Not joking. We start checking the living room and taping off any areas we could find that she could go. So after we flip couches and stuff we decided there is no way we are going to find her till night. Mean while Missy her little buddy has been going crazy in her tank. I even asked my husband "Do you really think she knows that Prudence is missing?" We decided to wait till night and do all those things that you do with a missing snake. :laugh: Of course the tears are filling up in my eyes and I look over at the tank and Prudence is now in there and Missy is calm in her tank. I tell my husband who is still taping "Hey Jon, there is a Prudence in the tank." Can't for the life of us figure out where she was hiding, we took everything out of the tank. If she did get out where was she that she easily got back in. :shrugs:
I once "lost" a youngster like that. I didn't close the viv's sliding doors properly after feeding and only noticed a couple of hours afterwards. I emptied the viv of all the fittings, hides etc, and did a fingertip search of the substrate checking for her - nothing. Did it again the next morning, just in case I'd been too tired and missed her. Nothing.

I left the viv set up for a fortnight in case she turned up. I jumped at every unexpected creak or rustle anywhere in the lounge. Then one day I turned around and saw a small head wearing a rather accusatory expression, glaring at me out of one of her hides. Inside the closed viv. I rushed over there and picked the hide up - nothing underneath.

Then I turned the hide upside down and looked inside it, to find her lodged half way up it. The little minx had been in there all along and only decided to show herself when she'd got fed up waiting for her next meal!
Wow, I am glad she wasn't actually missing. I came home once to find one of my ball python tubs open... The night before I had been cleaning bowls or something. The BP was not in there... tore apart the room... he was behind the hatchling rack catching heat from the back of it. I was relieved. :D
Wow, I am glad she wasn't actually missing. I came home once to find one of my ball python tubs open... The night before I had been cleaning bowls or something. The BP was not in there... tore apart the room... he was behind the hatchling rack catching heat from the back of it. I was relieved. :D

I just couldn't believe when we couldn't find her. I kept saying it takes 2 sec to walk from the kitchen to the living room how far could she have actually gone. It is never a dull moment with pets even snakes. I knew I should have just stuck to my schedule of feeding at night. A few years ago I had one missing an entire day and she ended up being in a box that was sitting on top of her cage.
Prudence Update

She is AWESOME! Growing like a weed. Color is coming in beautifully (I am sure with Molly you already knew that:nyah:) She disapears after every meal for the night but by the next morning she "in" her tank. I have no idea where she goes. I just make sure she is sealed tight and forget about her for the night. :laugh:


Thanks for the update Christen! Prudence is looking great. Molly just shed, maybe I should take an updated picture of her...
I'm gonna take her outside and see what I can get. I've been cleaning snake tubs all day and it has been nice out. :D
OK, here we go. Molly in all her glory. Man, I wish I could figure out how to take better pics with this expensive Nikon...








I think the 3rd one is my favorite. It just shows how fast their tongues move. Have you been monitoring her weight? Do you know how much she weighs? She looks so much bigger than Prudy, but I know that Prudence looks bigger in her pictures than she is too. :shrugs: Oh and it looks like she is less fighty.
Since you asked, I went an weighed her, I was actually surprised at how big she is. :D She just started eating hoppers. She actually ate one yesterday, so this is full weight I guess.
