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Amel Okeetee, and Black bordered mystery corn


New member







Serpwidgets said:
The colors remind me of albino jungle corns. Nice yellows, whatever it is. :D

Thanks.. Don S's opinion was that it'll turn out like a light okeetee, or dark bold miami.. Either one would make me happy. lol. I just like the burgundy color of the saddles, and all that black. It needs to grow up, now! lol.
I like the contrats on the reverse okeetee. I would have to agree with what Don said. It looks like it will be a very interesting light okeetee. that last one is so cute :) Albino garter snake right? Which strain? Where did you get him? I love the neon of the yellow. That makes me miss my garter snake :( oh well, that is just another excuse to get more snakes LOL ;)
I'm all confused! The snake that is dark looks like a normal corn to me. I thought Don was referring to the snake on the bottom (the yellow one) when he said it reminded him of a jungle corn. Now Siva...you think it is an albino garter? :eek: I'm lost...

Oops! I meant Serp instead of Don. I just happened to see Don's name last and that's what I typed.
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I agree with CornCrazy that the second one looks like a very nice normal (could be called a Okeetee phase). There is already a nice amount of base color coming in.

I agree also that the dark one looks like it will be a nice normal of some sort, whether okeeteeish looking or miami looking is something you will have to wait and see as it grows. Either way you look at it, it is a normal.

Looks like a bit of confussion going on here. I am sure Serp was referring to the bottom one when he said it looked like a jungle corn of some sort. LOL....I think Serp knows the difference between a normal cornsnake and a possible hybrid.;) Whereas, Don, obviously was referring to your normal. LOL...he too would know the difference.:)
Re: Yea,

LOL I think people are a bit too cought up in "morph names". Of coarse its a normal, I don't think anyone was calling it otherwise. Miami and Okeetee are both phases of "normal" corns.. Just named for the locality it was originally found. But yeah. heh
Hey Kestrel,

About how many months was it before your reverse okeetee's ground color came in (if you remember)? I ask because I have one that is only a couple of months old and am anxious to see how yellow she'll get.
