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Amel or RO?


New member
So this little guy is at the Petsmart I work at. I just love his personality and tend to take him out a lot and drape him around my shoulders while I'm working, lol

Anywhoo, for a while I thought he was just a simple amel, but lately I have been having some doubts and wondering if he's actually a reverse okeetee.

This is purely curiosity on my part, just wondering what this lovely little guy really is ;)

(And I'm really sorry about the crappy pics, they were taken with my ipod and he wouldn't stop moving that day, lol)




Belly pic

Thanks for any insights :)
Question, just like okeetees are a phase of normal, is an RO simply an amel with wide white borders? Sorry, I'm learning too here lol.
Question, just like okeetees are a phase of normal, is an RO simply an amel with wide white borders? Sorry, I'm learning too here lol.

You're right. Reverse Okeetee's are amels selectively bred to have wide white borders, the "reverse" of an Okeetee's wide black ones...
Ok, that makes sense, I was a bit confused about the differences between the two morphs. Thank you so much guys! :)

And yes, he/she is very pretty and much brighter in person and has the most comical personality, lol
That is a beautiful snake! That tail has pure white saddles, just like with my okeetee, her tail almost has pure black saddles.