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Amel shed question.


New member
As most will pick up from the title lol. How can you tell when an Amel is in "blue"? I've read it takes an experienced eye to tell when their eyes fog over. Xzavier ate his meal. He hesitated(scared me!) but he just wanted to be left alone. After he ate, he vanished! Lol. Thinking he might be in the process of shedding but I can't really tell. I don't wanna piss him off by messing with him. He pooped last night. So all is good with that, food was digested. Think Kingsley is going to shed soon too. He's disappeared into his aspen for the past couple of days. Some people came over so I rooted for him and got him and his colors looked dull. So possibly waiting on 2 snakes to shed at the same time.
Kind of a ramble cause I haven't posted in awhile why its in this sub forum and not another haha. Anyways. Tips would be appreciated.
I think Amels are the easiest ones to tell if they are blue! Anerythristic morphs with darker eyes, as I've heard, are the hardest to tell because the blue is similar to their eyes. Blue stands out against the red eyes, so you should be fine.
I have a snow, and at first she was difficult to tell when in shed - especially if I didn't take her out and look at her eyes every day.
I think if you notice the colours on their skin dulling, that would be a good sign (as well as the other typical signs, like hiding more often).
But I think you can see a difference in the eyes as well. The once bright red becomes dull, and then almost a purple colour. With mine I also notice that I can't see the iris anymore when she's "blue".
With amels they usually turn pink when they are deep in blue. Even if their body doesn't there eyes will. All my amels turn pepto bismol pink.
With amels they usually turn pink when they are deep in blue. Even if their body doesn't there eyes will. All my amels turn pepto bismol pink.

So are anerythristic morphs easier to tell? I have a ghost and her eyes are blue, so would I notice?
Generally they are because their eyes will go blue. Their body is usually easier to tell before they eyes go hazy because their color will look dingy and sometimes look darker.
To further clarify by blue we mean the whole eye. Not just the color. They will look almost like a blind dog or something with the whole eye having a haze over it.
Here's a picture of my amel when she is in blue:



Usually if I haven't seen my snakes out for a few days, it's because they're going into a shed. This is what my amel looks like normally, so it's pretty easy to tell when she goes blue:

thank you everyone for this post. this is exactly what I was looking for and the search function brought me right to this. I had boas and pythons in the past and never an albino so was wondering when my baby amel will shed and because of his red eye. his colors are getting duller but eye still seems a bit normal so expecting it to cloud up any day now. I was not sure what to expect with him having a red eye and now I do...