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Amel X Snow


what would i expect to get if i bred amel and snow of unknown background together? i know quite a bit about genetics but not corn genetics so any help would be appriceated. :eek1:
mbdorfer said:
You should get 100% Amel het Anery A :cheers:

Should is the key word, but as we all know Murphey, we also know that there is a chance that there are tons of possibilities. Who knows, there might end up being anery type "f" (assuming you include lavendar and caramel on the "anery list"), or maybe unknown hypo type "f". LOL!!! TOO MANY POSSIBILITIES!!

Always assume genetics by phenotype. Those are the known recessives. LOL!

BTW... Snows are homo anery, homo amel. That's where the "100% amel het anery" comes from. If you want to know more about corn genetics, I would suggest going to www.serpwidgets.com. Great online tutorial.
so if i get some anery out of the first batch can i assume that my amel is already het for anery?
You won't get any anery babies from that pairing but you might get some snows if your amel is het anery.