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AND My new babes too ~~~~~:~


~~~~~~~:~ Newbies Rule?
Here are a few of my new babes, just 3 days old. I got about 50/50 snows and who knows (again). Where is the Serpwidgets when you need him? The snows will be of the bubble gum variety, with their saddles having a pinish tint or tinge. As apposed to my Sydney who has a yellow (sort of green) tinge, he is het for Candy Cane...the whole thing confuses me!


  • dsc00009.jpg
    89 KB · Views: 131
Now -those- are amels!

BTW, you can't have a snow het for candycane. Candycane is a selectivly-bred amel, and a snow is -homozygous- amel (and anery). The snow may have came from candycane stock? But if you breed it to an amel, all the babies would come out amel, not the 50-50 a het would bring.
hummmmm ~~~~~:~

Interesting, the breeder said that this (not this one but Sydney) snow was het for candy cane, the reason I thought it was strange was the yellow in him, it was my common sense that questioned the het candy cane, not my knowledge of the gentics...... the more I share the more I learn, thanks again...
(I guess I'll have to change my profile, I list Sydney as a het). He is NOT the dad of these babes.

SO, when you say those are amels, you mean all of them or half of them? The others being snow, like the dad, (Bunny).

Sam ~~~~~:~