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Ankh- fire corn!


New member




Getting much more comfortable. No more tail rattles and not much running when I go to pick him up. In fact today, he just chilled wrapped around my arm, hand, and over my shoulders with just casual poking around. He did try to strike a couple days after I got him, but it was just the once and no big deal.

Wish I knew if he was actually male or female. Either way, I think he's stunning. The fire morph was one that really caught my eye, so I feel lucky to have found him.

Current stats: 563 grams, and 3 feet 7 inches (109.22cm)

He's gained two grams so far :p
Pretty snake, but I have to ask; is it het for bloodred? I'm not seeing a fire, just an amel. Diffusion varies from very little to overwhelmingly alot but I'm not seeing anything that makes me think amel and diffusion in tandem. Is the belly checkered or no?
I don't have a means to test out his genetics, but I would like to eventually.

In the mean time, he is finally gaining weight. When I got him, he was 561g with an obvious spine, and didn't gain weight for over two weeks. He's been on one adult 23-25g mouse every 7-8 days. When I weighed him last night before feeding, he was 591g! He's also gotten quite docile, no attempts to strike and no tail rattling.

He is extremely curious about everything, and will interact with me or follow/watch from inside his enclosure. He's a beautiful snake with a great attitude, even if he's not a fire and is "just" amel, I am more than happy with him.
HAHAH I love this picture


It looks like he's sticking his tongue out at you like a brat. Like he's knows he's being difficult to photograph.



Ankh is a silly snake. His first shed with me was perfect, and he's slowly but steadily gaining weight.


I took him to show off to my coworkers, and he stayed curled on my arm like this for about 15 minutes. Such a great snake.
He is super pretty. I'm thinking he's an amel, not a fire. However, even if he is 'just' an amel, he is an excellent example of one.

I'm glad he's taming down for you!
His lack of belly checkers is really confusing me. My little amel and my snow both have very obvious and clear checkers. No idea! It's driving me nuts.

Thank you, he's totally awesome no matter what he is :D
It's hard to tell. The part wrapped over your hand looks like checks- see how they are square, and offset- not even seeping in from both sides? but then the area by your tat looks like the typical color seeping.

He doesn't look diffused, on his sides, much. And he doesn't have the masque head pattern that so often accompanies diffused. Yet, the white of his proximal ventral is SOOO stark white, with absolutely no checks.

He has so little white to his borders. Most fires don't have any, but I have seen some that have that little amount.

It's a mystery. I'm leaning toward amel unless proven through breeding trials.
It's hard to tell. The part wrapped over your hand looks like checks- see how they are square, and offset- not even seeping in from both sides? but then the area by your tat looks like the typical color seeping.

He doesn't look diffused, on his sides, much. And he doesn't have the masque head pattern that so often accompanies diffused. Yet, the white of his proximal ventral is SOOO stark white, with absolutely no checks.

He has so little white to his borders. Most fires don't have any, but I have seen some that have that little amount.

It's a mystery. I'm leaning toward amel unless proven through breeding trials.

I see what you mean about the ventral looking checked in part before turning white. I hadn't actually noticed that until that specific picture, it looked more like color seepage from the sides than checks.

I know motleys don't have checks but I still don't fully "get" what makes a motley, but from what I can tell, I don't think that's it either. I really want to get a diffused (avalanche, pewter, or whiteout in particular, anything with a higher gene composition would be way outside my budget most likely) to breed and see what happens and find out for sure. I don't know anyone local to borrow him out to, either.

I assume he is male, and again don't know anyone local who could teach me how to probe :( He has a lightly tapered tail rather than a sharply tapered tail, wgucg to my newb eye makes him appear to be a him based off the hundreds of photos I have researched online for sexing by sight.

I think my snow may be female for the same reasons (tail tapers quickly right behind the vent), but it's all guesswork for the time being. Even if I am right, Udjat would have 2 years and 220 grams and another 10 inches to be big enough. And with unknown heritage, at best I'd get amels and normals. The snow was bred by Reptiles by Mack, otherwise I have no genetic info to go on.

That aside, I agree that Ankh does have a particularly expressive face :) He is exceedingly interactive and inquisitive as well. He'll follow me from within the viv, and follow my hand or fingers if I trail them on the glass. He will come right up to the glass with his nose touching to look me in the eye! Still a little finicky about being picked up from the viv, but in hand he's a big baby. His previous owner didn't touch him at all, but he is coming round to it without panicking like he did the first couple of weeks.

Last time I weighed him, he was up to 618 from 559g. It's hard for me to estimate how much he should weigh, but judging by how his spine still sticks out after 60g, I am guessing maybe 200 more to get him filled out properly.
My largest males aren't even 700 grams. I'd slow down trying to put weight on him- he looks great.

To _try_ to visually sex them, look at the base of the underside of the tail, adjacent to the vent. Imagine a male would have to store his sex organs, the hemipenes, in that area. A female has nothing to go there. So the male's tail will be much wider and stronger at the base, and looking ventrally, will taper in an even triangular shape. The male's tail always seems longer to me, too. The female's tail, having nothing to store, tapers side to side rather sharply after the vent.
My largest males aren't even 700 grams. I'd slow down trying to put weight on him- he looks great.

To _try_ to visually sex them, look at the base of the underside of the tail, adjacent to the vent. Imagine a male would have to store his sex organs, the hemipenes, in that area. A female has nothing to go there. So the male's tail will be much wider and stronger at the base, and looking ventrally, will taper in an even triangular shape. The male's tail always seems longer to me, too. The female's tail, having nothing to store, tapers side to side rather sharply after the vent.

Do you think 60g in three months is too much? He's getting one adult mouse f/t every 7-9 days. He's 3.5 feet in length. Muscle tone and strength are great. Other than being thin, he seems in great health. I've only had snakes for a year, Udjat was the first and is hovering around 80g at the moment, so I don't have a lot to compare to, unfortunately.
I'd drop him back to every 14 days now. I'd like to see a gain of _roughly_ 8-10 grams per feeding, at that interval. I feed my big males (his size) one medium mouse every three weeks, and they slowly gain.
I'd drop him back to every 14 days now. I'd like to see a gain of _roughly_ 8-10 grams per feeding, at that interval. I feed my big males (his size) one medium mouse every three weeks, and they slowly gain.

Not sure how big my mice are. Last time I weighed one it was about 25 grams. I get them local and it can vary a little bit, but never any noticeable change in size (unlike their fuzzies which seem to run the gamut, so I go by rough body size with them). I can knock back his feed time if that is better for his health. When he was blue, I skipped his meal until he shed and he didn't seem to notice :p