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Another new one joins the ranks! Saying hi from northern BC :)


New member
Hi everyone!

Figured I had better post an intro since I'm poking around the rest of the forums.

I was pointed here by REbecca of Triple R Corns after I enquired about aquiring some snakes from her :) I'm fairly new to the snake hobby and I have yet to purchase my first corn, but am VERY excited!!

I'm 27, and live in Prince George BC. Also in my household I have 2 dogs, a male Aussie name Nova and a female Wolf/Husky/Border Collie named Pandora. I also breed siamese cats, so we have five of those, 4 girls, Angel, Blue, Sam, and Annie and my little guy Gizmo.

Of the legless variety I'm currently owned by two snakes. A 2 year old male normal het Albino Ball Python called Charmer, and a 4 year old female (I think) rescued King snake named Sassy.

I've always been interested in snakes, but my mother was phobic, and then I married a man that hated snakes. Well hated critters in general, hence why we are no longer married LOL. Charmer came to me from a friend that couldn't keep him anymore, and Sassy through another set of unfortunate circumstances.

I have been wanting to get into the snake hobby a little more seriously, and so I started doing some research. I wanted something that didn't get too large, but had a large variety of colors, patterns and interesting genetics, as I've always been fascinated by simple genetics. Hence the corns! Though now at my hubby's interest I think I'll probably get a ball female as well to pair with my boy.

Anyway my search for GOOD corns (I'm not a real big believer in supporting pet stores, no idea of background or genetics) led me to Rebecca's site and Triple R Corns. She's (hopefully) going to set me up with five or so interesting critters to start off with. I have a real fondness for the lighter morphs, snows, blizzards, and such though those Hypo cinder I saw earlier are pretty darn cool...

Anyway! there's a bit about me and my current critters. I'm loving these busy forums and all the great pictures. I've also ordered some books... Charles Cornsnake morph book, Kathy Love's and the other one the title escapes me at the moment, but hopefully those will arrive soon!

If anyone is interested in seeing pictures of the critters I do have an album on Fotki :)


Thanks y'all for letting me be a part of your little group here and I'm looking forward to getting more involved as time goes on!!

Hi there and Welcome to the forum :D I like you love all kinds of critters and thankfully so does my Boyfriend. Your pets are adorable! When you get your corns you will have to post some pics, we LOVE pics! Have fun selecting your new additions.
Hi Trina and welcome to the forums. Lots of great info here. My boyfriend picked up his first corn, a little lavender from Rebecca at our last local show. Those are some beautiful furkids you have, and Charmer...well he's definitely a charmer ;)
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Hello Trina! Welcome to CS.com and thank you for sharing your animals with us. Now you just need to pick out your first corn and you are off to a good start...after all you have a ball python and a kingsnake!

See you around the boards!
Welcome Trina! Hope you find this site super helpfull. Thanks for sharing your animals, and I hope you have a great time with your new corn snake addiction ;)
Welcome! Remember that cornsnakes are addictive, and Triple R Corns is a dealer of addictive snakes! Have fun, share some pictures of your critters, with or without feet.