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Antagonized the lucy rat snake earlier...


Sticking To The Ceiling
I did some tub cleaning yesterday and finished the last things earlier, which included putting Daemon the leucistic Texas rat on clean cocofiber, which I hope will make spot cleaning his bin easier. I found it also brought his color out, and he felt like being calm for the camera, as opposed to trying to eat my hand again.



Awesome profile shots.


Love how this is straight on.




I figured he would stay still and flick her tongue if I blew on him very gently, so he gave me a bunch of good tongue shots. I also got two more I didn't upload.


This just looks funny. :p


Dude, I really don't think the bin lid is going to try and eat you.
I have no idea what the ratio of normal to bug eyes is, but there are lucies with normal sized eyes. I dunno, I think the big eyes on this guy give him some character. :p
I'm not sure if different eye colors occur with rat snakes either. I know they do with BPs, but nothing else.
Wow, I didn't realize they had such big eyes, I love it...his name should be Otis like the pug from Milo and Otis..haha.
I'm not sure if different eye colors occur with rat snakes either. I know they do with BPs, but nothing else.

Leucistic rats have two different eye colors, depending on whether thy are homo albino or not. If not, they have blackish/bluish eyes, if they are they have red eyes like a regular albino.
I think that one was right before he went and hid up against the corner of the tub when I grabbed the lid, since his tongue is also doing that funny turn in one direction.
You should see what happens to his food. :laugh:

Speaking of which, I need to figure out where those extra fuzzy mice I still have got thrown. :p