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Antaresia perthensis x Pantherophis guttatus at the Hamm show???


very unactive member
Supposedly a guy named Günther Rieffenstahl had a anthill python x cornsnake at the Hamm show in Germany. I am wondering if any of the European members had got any pics or any info on these hybrids.

So did any of you go to the Hamm show and see these guys or get any pics? Because I would really like to see what they look like.
I'm pretty sure that this announcement is a Hoax...
First of all, this crossing seems impossible and furtherore, there was nobody called Gunther R. on the vendor list at the three last Hamm shows...

Only a serious picture can prove that..

I read about it on another forum there were no pics there. I kinda doubt it is real myself that's why I was trying to get some one here to confirm it or not. It did seem like the people who said they saw it thought it was real.
I didn't see anyone with that name nor these hybrids... They aren't even similar either... :shrugs: