Cas said:Just curious if anyone's produced caramel lavs yet, and if there are any pics out there?
Joejr14 said:I dont think you'll see that around anytime soon. What would be the point in producing something like that?
hediki said:i dont think thats possible, im not a genetic wiz but just like anery A & B wen there homo for both genes they look like a regular anery A. and from wat i can recall lav and caramel are a type of anery so i think they would come out looking like 1 or the other. but it would be intresting.
Rich Z said:This is one of thos situations where you don't know what you are looking at, even though you know the genetics possibilities of the parents that produced them. If you have three different looking animals in the same clutch, and NONE of them look like anything you have seen before, which one is THE ONE that combines all the target genes? Or is it all of them and there is just that much variation right off the bat? Unfortunately, there is no real way to tell this early in the game.
Cas said:Any pics of any of those mystery clutches Rich?
franklin said:Would you happen to have pics also of the ORIGINAL STRAIN of bloodreds from back in the day?????? I'm getting started on this Bloodred project of my own and I'm curious to see how dark they really were.
Serpwidgets said:Heh, I have to say that the dark stripes are enough of a reason (for me anyway) to not like the old bloods. I like the "cleaner" look they have now.