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Any one use Refrigerator Incubator?...


New member
Do any of you use the converted/gutted refrigerator incubator? I have been told by a lot of people this is a good style of D.I.Y. incubator. I know various people that use them but would like your info on it. Most of them have pythons. This will be my first year breeding so I'd like to have my stuff ready before the eggs arive. Thanks for the help.

Robert Gonzalez

Hi Rob,

I am experiancing my first hatchlings from my females first clutch. Over 20 eggs in all!

They are doing fine. All I did was:

Approx. 14"L x 8"W x 6" deep tupperware container.

Punch holes in the lid.

Add about 4" of spagnum.

Wet the spagnum. Not dripping but wet to the touch.

Put the eggs in on top of the spagnum the way they were laid.

Put the container on top of the freezer.

Mist with water once a week.

70 days later, watch them hatch!

BTW: I'm from Minnesota so I'm not benefiting from a warm climate!