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Any tips for getting a snake to want to come out to be handled?


New member
I know every snake is different and there's no rules for how to handle. But I figured I'd see if anyone had some tips for a new owner about handling them. I know not to come at them from behind, and have handled him a few times already without issue. But how do you handle your snake? Lengths, how do you find moving your hands helps or do you keep them still to feel secure, do you put them back when they start to get skittish or does that make a habit? I know it's not rocket science, but my hopes are to have one that's comfortable and maybe even wants to come out and sit with me for a while. I'm in no rush

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Not to come at them from above"

Sorry, can't figure out how to edit lol

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I'd say go with what he wants, if mine wants to wonder up my arm or through my hands I let him. Keep your hands moving with him so he has support. Mine likes to try to climb my face, but he is about 11/12 now so easier to hold on to.
When he was little he liked to pretzel around my fingers and sit there. He still tries but doesn't quite fit.
Hope I've been of some help and not just rambled on
When I take my snake out of her viv, I try to "scoop" more than pick up. This allows her to see my hand coming so she understands what is going on. To handle Jag, I sit down on my floor (its carpeted). If I think there might be an accident I put a towel on my lap. Jag really likes to wrap her tail around my wrist or watch, so she will usually anchor there are then crawl around my neck. I let her go in my shirt sleeves if she wants, its nice and warm there. Sometimes I let her crawl on the floor up an ottoman. When I do this, I make sure the door to the room is closed and I always keep one hand above her back.

Some days Jag is more active and I'll sort of do a "treadmill" thing with my hands. Sometimes she will just chill draped over my shoulders and we'll watch TV. Regular handling with help you learn your snake - like you said, they are all different.

Best of luck!
Thanks guys! He hasn't bolted on me yet the couple times I've had him out, but still gets startled when I move. Seems to like to explore to find a place to hide but he's still settling in. When I go to grab him I rustle around a bit first so he knows I'm there, then when I lift the hide or etc, I lay my hand by him first instead of just snatching him up

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I find that being quick and picking them up is better for me. I pick them up and put them into my hand. Then just kind of let them do whatever and maintain some form of control on them - either keep two fingers on them to have a grip if they do bolt, or keep both hands right there with the snake.
Picking them up quicker gives them no time to think about you being a threat and attempting to strike.
I haven't been worried about him striking me. My thoughts were to put my hand there for a bit first so he doesn't think I'm just ripping off his hide and attacking lol seems like most just grab them though, this is generally better? If they don't have time to think about it I would have though that would bring out fight or flight mentality

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I haven't been worried about him striking me. My thoughts were to put my hand there for a bit first so he doesn't think I'm just ripping off his hide and attacking lol seems like most just grab them though, this is generally better? If they don't have time to think about it I would have though that would bring out fight or flight mentality

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Snakes always choose flight if it's an option. Picking it up right away also reduces complications if someone else holds it and does so more actively. I'd recommend to slowly transition to picking it up faster.
Snakes don't "Always" choose flight if an option. That may be true for a snake in the wild, but many pet snakes like mine will actually crawl right out of their cage and into your hands. If they "Always Choose Flight" then he would go the other way.
Vash typically gets startled when I first uncle his lid, but then I leave my hand on one of his branches and wait for him to come to me. It took a ton of patience at first (about half an hour of waiting), but now he's out within 5 minutes. I've only had him for a month, so I'd say that's pretty good progress! He's still under a year, so I'm sure soon enough he'll just climb right out. If you're willing to take the time to wait for him to be ready, I'm sure your snake would probably be happy to climb on out.
Hope that helps!

Mine randomly decided one day to get more comfortable with me. He used to always "run" away or grab onto a vine when I would go to grab him. But out of nowhere he started letting me pick him up and now when I do have him out, he's a lot calmer and explores more instead of again trying to just get away from me. So I'm not sure what changed, but I'll take it! Lol I have made so many hiding spots in the little 20 gallon that it makes it incredibly hard to find him sometimes.

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