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Any trick to breeding mice?


New member
I just put 3 females in with a male about a month ago and so far, nothing. They're in a 20 gallon tank with aspen shavings for bedding, a water bowl and a tray for food. I'm keeping them in the garage and the temps have been running probably mid 60's daytime to 50's at night (sometimes as high as 70s during the day and 40s at night). The clerk at the store said just put the male in with the females and that was it - they would breed. I can't tell if the females are prego or not - they look like they've fattened up, but is there a way to tell for sure?
they will get really fat about a couple of days before birthing. make sure that you have a male that is accepted by the females, and that they are all old enough to breed. Mice reporduce about every 18 to 20 days. At least mine do.
It's only been a month. Give them a bit longer. Gestation is 21 day~ and you have to give time for them to finish maturing and get to know each other. If your sure you have a male and 3 females~ don't mess with them now. Keep them clean, feed them and water them~ they'll do the rest.
"PATIENCE!!! Mmmm, yes!"

Okay, I'll just keep my fingers crossed and wait. Thanks for the tips.
Fashizzle, boo....

Not me! I'm much to old school to be hip-hoppin' new school. Kno' what I'm say-in?
I hear ya - I'm pretty old skool myself. But the mice may not be!

BTW my little hatchling still hasn't eaten. He keeps rubbing his nose on the side of the tank - I'm wondering if he's due for a shed. I have a call in to the breeder I bought him from to find out when his last shed is.
at my college we have thousands of mice....basically we just put in one male and one female and came out with around 10 babies!
CAV said:
Not me! I'm much to old school to be hip-hoppin' new school. Kno' what I'm say-in?

just put them togetha yo an they do their thang. maybe ya jus' gotta put some good dance music on and get yur freak on. laters manizzles