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Anybody else have a corn who won't use their hide?


New member
My Apollo refuses to use any of his hides, he only ever uses his moisture box and even that's only once a month! I wonder what he thinks the expensive rocks are there for, haha :dunce:
No problems here. Banshee loves her hide.


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My little ones all use their water bowls as hides. Our adult male used to ignore his hide (he'd burrow in the aspen though)...we gave him a much smaller box that he barely fits in and he uses it all the time now. (he'd had a Capri Sun box...now he has a GoGurt box which he loves)
They are like people, no two are exactly alike in their likes and dislikes. I have several who wont use a hide no matter what I offer them.
Mine all have a tendency to use their water bowls as hides and spill EVERYTHING! So I finally decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I now use shallow, small dog water bowls, the kind that are spill proof. They also double as good hides because the hollow ring underneath. Now both owner and snake are happy. Well, owner sort of. They end up spending all their time under the water bowls so I never see them!

Yeah aha my baby Corn snake has a new place to hide every like 3 weeks first it was his hid on the warm side then it was outside of his hide on the cool side now it's under the water bowl lol :)
I have one corn who hated all the hides I bought her. I tried a few different types and sizes. As a last effort I cut a square tissue box in half and gave her that. Would you believe she likes them?! Now I only have to worry about having an empty tissue box laying around in case she craps on one lol.
Winged Sweetheart,

Just like a cat! Buy them a toy and they want the box it came in!

My friend just showed me her new snake last night. She's got this extra tall tank for her new Japanese rat snake. She's got a whole coconut shell with a few holes in it, suspended from a chain on the screen lid. This 5ft snake's favorite place in the whole world is crammed into this tiny coconut swinging from a chain in midair! Its crazy!

Makes me wanna do that too but I don't have any tanks tall enough!
