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Anybody have Poison Dart Frogs?


New member
Does anyone here have poison dart frogs?? I'm wanting to get some and have a great 10g setup for them (glass top, humidity, moss, etc). How hard is it to raise fruit flies though? None are available here commercially. I don't want to set up a tank and get the frogs and not be able to feed them. Thanks in advance for your advice!
Fruit flies are easy to breed, I use em for my mantis'. Use a pooter to move them around and hopefully you wont get too many escapees, yeah right:rolleyes:.
Here's a handy page or two to read and this guy seems to know his stuff, and he gives you his recipes for their food:


Don't know anything about poisen dart frogs though, sorry.
Good luck!
Breeding fruit flys is the easy part as long as you can keep the temps down in summer. Feeding pin head crickets is also an option unless your keeping thumnail frogs. Though pin heads don't stay alive long unless well taken care of.
CaptBogart said:

Definately, get ahold of Patrick Nabors. He's here in St. Louis and one of the most respected dart frog producers in the country. He is also the man that puts on one of our two local shows. Extremely nice fellow and very knowlegdable!
