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Anyone from the Midwest?


New member
Just wondering, I know I posted my intro already, but... figured this would be the place to see if there's anyone local to me out there.
I think there are quite a few midwest folks on here. I know I have seen alot from Michigan and some others from Wisconsin. ( i think Jazzgeek is from WI) Keep your eye out or put the word wisconsin in a search feild for entire posts and you should be able to come up with some.
Nanyque said:
Just wondering, I know I posted my intro already, but... figured this would be the place to see if there's anyone local to me out there.
Local? Define your terms. ;)

I grew up in Mwa-kee, and am now living in Palmyra, just into Jefferson County.

Where ya at? :)

I'm actually quite excited about how many of you are from wisconsin, I'm sure there's more that just haven't read this thread. Very nice. I'm right in the middle of all of you.
It is nice to know that there are quite a few of us here. This place is startin to feel alot like home. :crazy02:
So, any chance you're going to breed those milk snakes once you have them sexed? Just curious, my fiance wants a milk snake very badly, and I'd really rather stop buying snakes from petco. :)
Nanyque said:
So, any chance you're going to breed those milk snakes once you have them sexed? Just curious, my fiance wants a milk snake very badly, and I'd really rather stop buying snakes from petco. :)
Yes I am but not to each other. Once I get them sexed I will buy a mate for each one then attempt my hand at breeding them. The Pueblan is a sweet heart never bites never musks and loves to be held, How ever the Mexican Black now thats a different story, nasty disposition but I still love it, so shiny black very beautiful. Its the only snake I dont have a pic of yet but will soon. Here is a pic of Sammy my Pueblan Milk Snake.
I dont really like buying from Petco either but with a petpals card I get Ball pythons for $35.00 each, Red Tail Boas for $65.00. Pretty hard to beat. Ive only bought 3 snakes from petco and kept 2 the Ball Pythons. Had to sell the Red tail as I almost tripled my money on it. LOL! I buy most of my snakes from breeders but the dang shipping is what kills me! Jimi
very nice. Definitely keep me updated on the breeding thing (how old are they now/how long till you can breed?). Local sales are so much easier:)
Nanyque said:
very nice. Definitely keep me updated on the breeding thing (how old are they now/how long till you can breed?). Local sales are so much easier:)
I like the Pueblans so much that Im looking for a breeder pair and If im lucky I will have babys early next spring. If Im really really lucky I might even find a gravid female and get some sooner. The one I have now is just a juvie :awcrap: I will keep you informed I promise! Jimi
Very awesome. How do you get your snakes so cheap even with a pals card? I have one too, but I don't get discounts on snakes... :( (which is actually probably a good thing... or I'd be bringing something else home every other week...)
When they get a bunch in and they dont sell very quick they will put them on special for pals card holders. Thats at least what they do at the Eau Claire store. Jimi
Nanyque said:
Portage County, Stevens Point actually, quite literally the center of Wisconsin...
Sure, I've golfed at the Sentry World course a number of times, and bought my dog a county or so south of you, in the town of Portage.

We got our corn from the Eau Claire Petco...you need to tell me when they have the special on the ball pythons....I want..no....NEED one! lol

metall_guitarist said:
We got our corn from the Eau Claire Petco...you need to tell me when they have the special on the ball pythons....I want..no....NEED one! lol

Ok Trav will do. I keep a very close watch on their snakes :rolleyes: