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Anyone going to to Sacramento's Reptile Show? (Sept. 28-29th)


New member
Just curious if anyone was going to be attending the Sacramento Reptile Show on the 28th and 29th of September.

I am planning on going for the Saturday show and was just curious if anyone in the forums was going to attend. I am a little anxious because I have never been to a reptile show and I am hoping on buying an animal (or two) and I would love to meet people from the forums since you all have been so warm and welcoming.

Any tips anyone wants to give a reptile show newbie?
Anybody know what vendors will be there/have been there before?
Both Carol and I will be there selling baby corns! Stop by the Low Belly Reptiles booth and say Hi to us! :D
I will be there -- not vending; maybe next year -- but in attendance for sure.
Ahhh yes, thank you for bumping. I'm so excited to go even though it's just going to be one day!
My first show! Ahh!
Sarah, you must come say 'hi!' too! OR ELSE or something.... and if you want a male charcoal het diffused for your charcoal and your pewter girls.... >_>
I sent a pile of babies out to Carol/Megan yesterday- maybe some of them will be at the show!!
Well, I will definitely be at the table. I'm bringing some babies for Carol's perusal, so I will be there and talking and looking, no question!

And I will attempt not to cave to temptation, but with a combination of all three of your snakes? I may be doomed. XD

(Pewter! Sorry, Megan!)
I wish Mitchell Mulks was gonna be there with some honeys. I need a honey, a lava and an amber to complete my basic caramel morph collection. Lol