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Anyone Have Pictures Of Pro Bug Breeders?


Patients took over asylum
I'm looking to up the size of my bug colonies and perhaps add another bug or two. I currently have dubias and mealies. I might get some waxworms in the mix as well. I'm still looking for a good source for slugs/snails and will eventually be getting earthworms going (I discovered last night that my newer turtles are willing to be hand fed earthworms).

I have a few ideas on new setups for my feeder colonies and will hopefully be able to hold upwards of 100,000 individuals of each species. This did get me thinking about how the "bigs" do it. I tried a search but was pretty unsuccessful in turning up pictures.

I'm looking for pictures of commercial bug breeders, most specifically roach and mealworm breeders. It's mostly a curiosity thing. The one picture I did find was of a mealworm breeder and it looked like some of the bins didn't have substrate. I wonder how mealies would do without substrate?
I have no idea how the big breeders do it. But anyway, I only use paper towel in the bottom of my cricket bins so that it is easy to clean. Plus the females always use the provided lay boxes to lay their eggs in. That way I can take the egg box out and the babies don't get eaten. But I don't know how that would work with mealies.
I was thinking about doing tubs with screen in the middle and maybe some sort of door for access to each level (I'll be stacking tubs). I'll end up getting some small tubs and do a test run before adding to my colonies to see if my ideas work.

I'm having a major problem separating the sheds and deads from everything else. I always end up having a ton of teeny tiny baby mealies hiding in the deads and I'd hate to throw away hundreds of babies.

I won't do crickets. I think they're nasty little things. When I want them for variety, I just go and buy some then gut load.