As a general guide, I didn't really think it was too bad. OK, they don't need UV, but UV in small amounts like they recommended isn't really harmful. The tank size is bigger than necessary, but it doesn't hurt to have one that big. Bottled water isn't really necessary, as they do fine with dechlorinated tap water, but it doesn't hurt anything.
The thermometer they show is crap, but they got the temps right at least. AND they said the heat mat needs to be regulated. How many times does a US pet store tell you that?
I don't advocate feeding in the Viv, but they didn't recommend crickets, and they did say not to handle for a few days after feeding. OK, they didn't get the reason right, but they got the recommendation right. And I don't agree with feeding more if your snake appears to be still hungry, but they also said not to overfeed as it will cause obesity.
My conclusion is, it had its faults, but most of them were rather minor.