Keep it simple! A piece of PVC pipe (different diameters for various sized hides) cut in half works very well and won't roll when the snake enters it to hide. I also use the (dual purpose) dog and cat food & water bowls, size depends on the vivarium space and snakes size, like was previously posted. They prefer close quarters to hide in. You can also go to the gardening centers anywhere and ask if they have any broken pots and saucers they will be throwing away and cannot sell, they'll be glad to give them to you, until you tell them it's for your snake. A half a flower pot work great too, pile pieces together to make a hide. I even have a couple of hides that I got at the Dollar General that were, um mislabled (LOL) drip pans for electric stoves, turned upside down, my snakes use them often. They come in large and small sizes for the different sized eyes / burners on electric stoves. Anything WILL work! Snakes don't care what you call it as long as they can crawl under it an feel safe and secure. One last thought go to Wendy's get yourself a side salad (the bottom half is black) and you'll have a hide box for your snake(s) until you find some thing else YOU like.