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Are they Lumps, Bumps, or Humps?

Russ Mc

New member
I have a Corn that is about 6 months old and about 3-4 weeks ago she started to get lumps about 1/4 to 1/3 the way up her body starting at her tail. when you run your hand over them they are very noticeable there are most likely about 10-15 of them and the raise about 1/4 of an inch from peak to valley. Does anyone know what these are and how to get rid of them?
Do you have any pictures? I would prob. take her to a vet, esp. if they just randomly started to appear.
OK I don't have a camera right now maybe tommorrow they do seem to start at the tail and go right up the spine. I did a search on this awhile ago and from what I read was leaning toward that they were fat deposits. I was feeding her according to the Munson Plan so I took her down just a touch and they looked as if they were getting smaller, but now they have grown.
Just a question do you feel the lumps on her back or her belly? Although she is young she could have unfertilized eggs??? susan
Oh! well I tried. Do you know the breeder, it may be kinks which are becoming more pronounced.
I don't like the sounds of it. There's no way that a six-month old corn snake has fat deposits. The most irresponsible power-feeding possible wouldn't cause anything approaching what you describe. Fat deposits wouldn't run down the spine of the snake either, and there wouldn't be 10-15 lumps.

Take a look at this thread:

Spontaneous Kinks
So I was hoping it was not bad, but the 1st corn I bought from this place died about 3 days after I got her and I told them about that and they offered me another one so I took it. This corn I have now is from the same clutch as the one that died
So I have spent some time looking at pictures of kinks and they look nothing like what is going on with my corn. If I am seeing an reading this right kinks could be felt if you run you fingers along the sides of the corn, but with mine you can only feel these lumps when you run your finger over the top of the corn. I will hope to get pictures up soon.
Russ Mc said:
So I have spent some time looking at pictures of kinks and they look nothing like what is going on with my corn. If I am seeing an reading this right kinks could be felt if you run you fingers along the sides of the corn, but with mine you can only feel these lumps when you run your finger over the top of the corn. I will hope to get pictures up soon.
No-- kinks run along the spine, not the sides.
Two of my snakes had something like this happen, they are little tiny bumps running along the body of the snake. I don't know how big the snake or the bumps are but if yours are like mine then you shouldn't have to worry they will go away in about a month. But if your still unsure take him/her to the vet. (Just in case)

And have the best of luck with this. :)