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Asian Vine Snake update


New member
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know the Asian Vine Snake I took in a few weeks ago is doing great! A complete turn around from when I first picked her up. She's become a very social snake, almost always coming out of her vines and hides whenever I come around the cage. She even drinks water out of my hands, lol.

And I'm glad to say she's happily eating once again. After almost 2 months of not eating a damn thing with her other owners, she's scarfing down lizards like a champ!

No problems with this girl at all, thankfully. For being one of the hardest snakes to keep happy, she seems very easy to please. I guess getting her out of the loud, crazy environment she was in was just what she needed.


This snake is impossible to get a good picture of! lol
I'm glad shes doing so well for you =3

What kind of set up do you have for her? And I like the hide in the upper corner, nifty =3
Very cool! I didn't know anyone used those repteriums aside form chameleon keepers.
Seems like she approves of it for sure though =3
Seen them before on the net. I like!! Nice change of ""pace"" to own.

Good luck and keep us updated.