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Ate too much--is he out of danger?


Love at first sight
I found my missing snake in my pet mouse habitat (duh). He's about a year and a half years old and I've been feeding him 2 or 3 crawlers only to use them up, but I am moving him up to small mice. Problem is that he ate a huge mouse, maybe even two and when I found him I couldn't believe the size of his belly. Also, there looked like there were some lumps, like maybe mouse limbs sticking out. I was afraid that his stomach might puncture. It's been four days and his belly has gotten smaller and it is soft, not hard like when I found him. But it is still huge. Is he out of danger yet? If his belly had been punctured, would he be dead by now? Please help, I love him dearly. Thanks!
I would think, just let him be for a while. I'm guessing don't feed for two weeks. I think he will be OK. Kind of funny how he "raided the icebox".
Thanks, but it's not funny.... it's HYSTERICAL. We are still laughing about it. He had this expression halfway between satisfaction and "I can't believe I ate the WHOLE thing." OK that's just our imagination running wild. He found his way up to the "sky restaurant" and the other mice closed up the tunnel with bedding :nyah: The mice are old and at the end of their lifespan, they've been dying off, so I'm not that upset that one or two got eaten.
That is hilarious!

I agree, though, that he will probably be ok. He may not want to eat for a while, but think he's pretty much out of danger.
IguanaMama said:
Thanks, but it's not funny.... it's HYSTERICAL. We are still laughing about it. He had this expression halfway between satisfaction and "I can't believe I ate the WHOLE thing." OK that's just our imagination running wild. He found his way up to the "sky restaurant" and the other mice closed up the tunnel with bedding :nyah: The mice are old and at the end of their lifespan, they've been dying off, so I'm not that upset that one or two got eaten.

I'm glad you feel that way because I was laughing my a** off but didn't want to sound rude. Well, if he escape again...... check the ice box! Ha!
Good luck to you.
"Pop pop fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is" LOL everyone needs to pig out every now & then. Maybe he was letting you know that he was ready for a bigger meal? :D You have a very self sufficient snake there lol.
There is still some risk of a regurg up to 5-6 days after a huge meal, but if not handled or stressed and provided with a good heat gradient, it is amazing what a healthy corn can digest. We have found that a very large meal will usually push a snake into a shed cycle, no matter when they would normally shed. He may not want (or need) to feed again until he has gone through a shed.

mary v.
He took "cruising for food" to a new level! Auto-feed snake! Other than developing the "mouse colony" trap for lost snakes (hehe) he sounds like hes doing okie =) I agree with Mary that I would just leave him be longer and make sure hes nice and toasty, I would skip his next feeding day for sure.

Let us know how hes doing =)
He puked

It looks like he digested one, but puked the other--almost whole, completely undigested. Mary hit the nail on the head--it was about 5 days later and he's in a shed cycle. He turned dark a couple of days ago, his eyes are blue. Otherwise he's acting and looking fine. I normally feed them on Sunday, but I'll skip him and wait till next Sunday.
I was only right because I have had it happen!! Their eyes are bigger than their stomachs sometimes.

Glad to hear he seems to be acting normally and no harm in letting him go a couple weeks before his next meal to give his gut time to fully recover from the regurge - it isn't as much of an issue when they are older snakes as when they are babies, but a regurge should mean he gets a break from food for a while and he gets a smaller than normal meal for his next one. Don't want them to get in a regurg cycle - I had one female 2 year old that I think I fed too soon after a regurge and she has had recurring problems since and I have had to maintain her on hoppers.

mary v.