2008 Lava (p/het Lavender, Motley)
Auction Rules:
- Auction ends Thursday, September 22nd, 9:30pm eastern time.
- Bid increments must be $5 or more. Starting bid is $50
- Winner pays shipping.
- Winner commits to paying full amount including shipping within 48 hours after the auction ends unless we've arranged something different. If winner is unable to do so, the second runner up will have a chance to purchase the animal at his or her last bidding price.
Good luck!!
Auction Rules:
- Auction ends Thursday, September 22nd, 9:30pm eastern time.
- Bid increments must be $5 or more. Starting bid is $50
- Winner pays shipping.
- Winner commits to paying full amount including shipping within 48 hours after the auction ends unless we've arranged something different. If winner is unable to do so, the second runner up will have a chance to purchase the animal at his or her last bidding price.
Good luck!!