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New member
Been reading here a lot (almost a year or so!) and never really posted, but this one really makes me wonder. >_<;;;

So today I was trying to spot-clean Hiko the RO corn snake's tank and it happened to be sitting on a piece of dried doody. So, since I didn't feel like taking it out, I decide to give it a little nudge and it started to twitch spastically. I FREAKED out thinking it was having a seizure or something and was about to pick it up when it wrapped it's tail around my finger and tried to mate with my hand. That freaked me out even more so I stopped trying to hold him, removed his tail, and closed the lid (I did get the place clean though.)

He is now roaming around his home looking for his long-lost "mate."


On the bright side I now know that IT is a HE. (When I first got him, I called him a him and then about a month later I switched it to her and I've been switching back and forth depending on my my mood.)

I thought that was terribly odd as I have NEVER heard of a snake trying to "do the deed" with its owner. Now, I love the little dude but it made me sort of squeamish. Anyway, when does mating season end? I don't want to be afraid of having him assault my hand every time I clean/water/feed him and I feel kind of guilty because I can almost hear him say "Where are youuuu?" as he's patrolling the place and looking around all pitiful and forlorn-like. I use to think the reason he followed my finger when I tapped his tank was because he wanted to eat it (I tap his tank every time I'm about to take him out to feed him) but now I know it's for a VERY different reason.


I also have the overwhelming urge to go out and buy a female corn snake now but my parents would probably not appreciate having a bunch of baby corn snakes around the house.

Does this totally weird anyone else out?
That's actually REALLY weird. I don't think I've ever heard of anything like that. Maybe it's some sort of scent you were giving off? Or a perfume you had on? Maybe you just smelled like a female corn. But that's still really weird. I've never had that happen, even if I've just handled a female and pick up a male. I've had them start twitching, but I've never had them wrap and try to mate.
Kim's MBK tried to mate with a dead mouse he was supposed to be eating.... men have a one track mind.
I've never had mine try and mate with me, but he does do that twitchy thing sometimes. i figured it had something to do with breeding season.
Kim's MBK tried to mate with a dead mouse he was supposed to be eating.... men have a one track mind.

LMAO. Okay that... that totally takes the cake. I guess this isn't /that/ weird then.

Oh goodness, please don't tell me perfume contains female corn snake hormones. That would be even grosser. But yes, I do wear perfume on a daily basis, never had this happen before though.

He really meant business too because his little boy bits came dangling out.

So yeah. This day just gets weirder and weirder.

Life is sometimes totally stranger than fiction.

In any case, I guess I'll have to hold off on smelling pretty for the next couple of months.
Happens quite a bit in the Spring. Especially if you have another snake in the house and were handling it. I get it all the time during cleaning or weighing days in the Spring. I generally do all the guys first before the girls. It's really really bad if you clean the girls tanks first and have female pheremones all over ya.

LOL That just made my day a little brighter!!!

I really wouldn't mind if my corn did that to me because it's killing me that I don't know if it's a he or she yet... D: .... plus it's a sign of great affection!! =]
I have a horndog corn snake, he is SO twitchy, but he has yet to advance beyond twitching ALL over the place. I usually put him back shortly after a big outburst of twitches.
Haha, I WISH I had more snakes in the house, but so far, only him. I wouldn't mind just one more... or a hundred more...

No, it's not a sign of affection--just a very confused snake who has no where to relieve his frustrations. Although I'll stop wearing perfume for the time being, to see if that's change anything.
I can almost hear him say "Where are youuuu?" as he's patrolling the place and looking around all pitiful and forlorn-like.

LMAO!!! :roflmao:I laughed SO HARD when I read that. Well, at least he differentiates the sexes perfectly. =)

Kim's MBK tried to mate with a dead mouse he was supposed to be eating.... men have a one track mind.

Now, that's just...wrong and disturbing. And I totally agree with Tsiriane on men having a one track mind. :bird:


Took a shower this morning, DIDN'T put on perfume, and went back to see if little ol' Hiko would have the same reaction. Nudged him a couple of times and nope. Not even a single twitch.

"Erm. Excuse me lady, but why are you bothering m--okay, you're going to have to stop poking me if you want to keep that finger--I said sto--HEY!"

He got annoyed with me a slithered back into his hide. He's been hanging out a lot lately and doing the whole climb vertically on the glass and then drop back down with a *THUMP* in the middle of the night (which usually has me reaching for the baseball bat I keep next to my bed) recently. Little dude is really looking for a girl.

I love this place and all thar pplz in it!1!! lulz. Seriously. This forum rocks.
Take it as a compliment... If thats you in that picture, I don't blame the little guy one bit. Your Hot!

Yeah, It's a guy thing...;)