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Babies Hatched--and I got my Tessera!

John of Colorado Corns sent me his Tessera male on breeding loan earlier this year, and Niamh, my Amel Stripe, was bred with him. She finally laid 6 good eggs, and they've hatched over the past two days. Today, the last one hatched, and I FINALLY have my Tessera baby (provided it's ok with John)! Woot!

Here's pix of the babes. I haven't weighed them, yet, but we will later today. Sorry picture quality isn't great, but hopefully people can see them and tell me just exactly what it is I have, here?

First shown, last hatched, is the Tessera (normal, I think):





Isn't s/he gorgeous?

Baby 2 is, I believe, a normal Motley with a bit of a stripe. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. S/he's got some really interesting side markings, and, of course, the clear belly:





More to come!
Here is Baby 3. I imagine John and the rest of you know what s/he is, but I'm not sure. It's not an amel, that's for sure. Hypo? Ultra-something? It's got very pale checkers on its belly, and its eyes are dark:





Here's Baby 4. S/he's a Motley. Normal color, I think, with a clear belly:




Here's Baby 5. Another of those colors I don't know--not Amel. Maybe Ultra-something or Hypo? Help? S/he has dark eyes. This one also has a clear belly, so I'm thinking that means it's a Motley?




And last, but certainly not least, is Baby 6. I _think_ it's a Normal Motley (clear belly):





Anyway, that's it. If people want to tell me what I have, and correct me where I'm wrong (as I almost certainly am), I'd appreciate it :). Niamh has no hets that I know of. John knows the background on his (Ultra? Ultramel?) Tessera male--it's got hets, but I don't know what they are.
Gorgeous babies Irish! Congrats on your Tessera! I know you've been wanting a normal Tessera.
I love the markings on the other babies!
I agree :).

Since that dad (tessera het ultra) and all original tesseras are pos het stripe, that #2 may be a motley tessera those others that are hypo looking are ultramels.
Big congrats and the tessera is yours, but I might be interested in that motley stripe tessera.
Would really like some pics after they shed
Woot! Thank you for allowing me to keep that normal Tessera! I feel as if I just hit the lottery :).

I will definitely get photos after they shed.

You know, I was talking to Z about that second snake, and I wondered aloud to him whether it could be possible that it might be some kind of Motley Tessera (I've never seen one, so wouldn't know what to look for). Wouldn't it be something if I guessed correctly, knowing nothing at all about that kind of stuff? LOL! I hope it IS, 'cause I imagine you could make some really cool babies with that guy or gal, some year :).
Yeah, I think so, too :). Thanks! I really am pleased. It's small, but it's got some really cool snakes in there. There's a normal motley as well as that stripe/motley/Tessera? snake, and I really like normal motley looks. And those bright ones are amazing! I will undoubtedly keep any that John doesn't take, just so I can watch them grow up :).