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Baby Versicolors EVERYWHERE!


Digger, RN
So a while back I decided to do a breeding loan with my adult male versicolor, Achilles. My friend Mike has a beast of a gorgeous female but unfortunately no mature males. Well, strutting and drumming earned him a mate but also a death sentence. She was none too happy to have him in there afterwards. (Some people may remember me telling this story).

Well, the slings are now 4th instars. I got to see them all today for the 1st time and they are just adorable! Mama is also incredibly proud.




Surprisingly enough, she was almost tender with her young (unlike their father)


And was quite protective of them as well.


So after a few more meals, a good chunk of these babies will be coming home with me. Too bad proud papa Achilles isn't around to see them.
Squee!! They are ADORABLE! WOW their color changes a lot from sling to adult. I demand a progression thread when you get them! :D
Well, these guys won't be any different from my other juvie versicolors. I'll have to make an avic progression thread for my others. I still have to introduce cs.com to my minatrix ;)
Correction: they emerged as 3rd instars. Don't know why I typed 4th. (I really need to update my contributor status)
CONGRATS, Catherine! I really miss my T's... :( I miss them so much, I might have to go over and see these little ones for myself (when they get there!)!!! J/K. I NEVER invite myself over... how rude!

Anyway, how many are you getting??? Was there a final count of babies? Just too awesome!
Sorry to hear about Achilles. Life and love can be brutal!

I am no fan of tarantulas but those babies are very cute. Do the adult males have different coloring to the females?
They're beautiful creatures, both the babies and the adult. I don't see why they're always called creepy.
Greetings Lady Catherine
Thank you for sharing the lovely photos of Mom in hte Nursery. She's gonna need some help raising all of them now, isn't she?

I am curious what the habitat she is in- did she make those tunnels, or is that some kind of invention you put in there?
Thanks again,
To answer all...

Fred - of course you can come over! I love having you over! You're my closet snake buddy, and really the only one I can geek out with. :D And at last count, I believe there was 136?

Joanna - the males are often more brightly colored than the females, though they have the same general color scheme.

David - I do have one metallica. I really need to get more. Those guys are crazy fluffy!

Gene - you waaaaaant on... you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant one! :D

Dave - She is currently house in an exoterra with pretty normal cage furniture(plants, logs, hides, vines, etc). She belings to my friend Mike, and from what he says, she has always been a big webber. She made that all by herself. Some people take the egg sacs and place them in an incubator, but living in Az has its bonuses.

Thanks for all the comments guys!
Gene - you waaaaaant on... you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant one! :D

I'll take 3 or 4 please! :D:wavey:
Ug I just moved into a house full of girls... (read they don't like my pets)
I've been wanting a Versi for a few years now, they're amazingly beautiful arboreals. I doubt my housemates would be suspicious of a few mason jars in my closet.. :sidestep:
Please do not show this thread to Jay or Ashley. They have been asking to let them breed their two Rose Hair Ts. I said "NO" because I just cant do them. I have tried and tried but I always get the willies when I try to hold one. I do feed and water them and make sure they are ok. But I just cant do the babies too. :sidestep:

Congrats Catherine!
Please do not show this thread to Jay or Ashley. They have been asking to let them breed their two Rose Hair Ts. I said "NO" because I just cant do them. I have tried and tried but I always get the willies when I try to hold one. I do feed and water them and make sure they are ok. But I just cant do the babies too. :sidestep:

Congrats Catherine!

I agree with PJ. I actually find those babies quite lovely to look at, right along with their momma. But I would not want the babies in my house. Tara thought her rosehair had an egg sack in her cave the other day (turned out to be just dirt and webbing) and I told her under no circumstances are we breeding tarantulas. I can tolerate them, even enjoy looking at them... but having all those babies would give me the willies. It is weird, but I would much rather have a quarter sized T than those tiny babies... I can see the quarter sized one better if that makes any sense....