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Back in the saddle again


New member
I need to introduce myself as I was an active member 10
-12 years ago. I started with one corn as most do, and over 4 years ended up with 13. All different morphs. I read, researched, and talked with esperts. (Kathy and Bill Love). My husband finally got exasperated with my growing collection (most of which were in our bedroom), and declare it was the snakes or him. 10 years later, I find myself missing my corn babies. I plan on getting my first hatchling in 10 years next weekend, & look forward to making friends on this forum like I did years ago. I love seeing pics of your snakes, please keep them coming! Looking forward to good friends.......
I'm new here too and got out of the hobby for quite a while. I didn't realize how much I missed it until hitting a local reptile store and oohing and ahhing at all the pretty snakes. I'm now divorced so no husband to hold me back. Unfortunately, no money to move forward either. Lol
I'm still married, I only got him to agree when I promised to stop at 2. (My fingers were crossed behind my back lol). We just moved back to FL 3 yrs ago from NC, too far in the country and no way to get out or electric when it snowed. ��