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backyard bull snake find


New member
this was like a month ago my dad caught him and brought him to me he was a good 3 foot maybe closer to 4 i wanted to keep him but because they eat rattlers as well as rodents my mom said i couldn't cause she would prefer the area to be rattler free he had a great temperment not nippy at all



Bulls do not eat rattlers.
The are mainly Rodent eaters.

Here is an excerpt from Herpnet written by Jeff LeClere, who is on the field all the time looking for herps. He is in the Movie herpes with Dav Kaufman in snake road.
Mammals are the number one food item. Pocket gophers, meadow mice, voles, shrews, ground squirrels, rabbits, squirrels, birds and birds eggs, frogs, and lizards are consumed. They kill larger prey by constriction and simply swallow smaller prey alive. They are powerful snakes and can kill rodents met in a burrow by pressing the rodent against the wall of the burrow with just a part of their body. I have heard of bullsnakes hanging around chicken coops eating the eggs and young chicks, but these snakes are really one of the most beneficial snakes found in Iowa. These snakes have appetites! They can easily save a farmer hundreds of dollars every year because of the amount of rodents they can eat. They can go into burrows, holes in the walls of barns, weave in between bails of hay, and go places dogs and cats cannot go. The smart farmers know this and are glad to see bullsnakes around their farm. The ignorant farmers waste their time killing these snakes, and waste their money buying trap after trap to eradicate a nuisance that the bullsnakes would have eradicated for free.
Typically you do not need to hold a snake like that in the back of the head. Bulls mellow out even the wild caught ones. If you support their bodies, the huff and bluff and make lots of noise and may try to strike but thats about it.
Talking to some old time herpers who used to hold the back of the head now prefer placing the head in a clear tube. this way the snake isnt harmed and you have better control of them.