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Bad news about Rich Z.........

Rich Z

Staff member
Unfortunately, Rich Z has been diagnosed with a new malady associated with his recent switch to full time corn snake breeder.

After extensive testing it has been determined that he has contracted the deadly *Deli Cup Thumb* sydrome. This particularly malicious malady is excrutiatingly painful and all the more insidious because it is unavoidable during this time of year. Opening thousands of deli cup lids with the edge of his thumb over and over again each day has worn the skin off of the thumb, exposing raw nerves and hypersensitive skin.

Griting teeth and softly muttered curse words have been ineffective as treatment.

At the current time, the prognosis is grim. Anyone interested in being a donor for a left hand thumb is encouraged to leave a message here with a pledge in case the condition worsens and a replacement is needed in a hurry.

Thank you for your support and encouragement.
Hee hee. Superglue works wonders to cover those poor, exposed nerve endings. Seriously. May sting a little, depending on how exposed those nerve endings are, but it is a poor man's surgical glue. Good for papercuts, superficial scrapes, prematurely popped blisters.

***disclaimer - not for use in deep cuts due to risk of infection***

Good luck with the malady, Rich. I hope you recover (i.e. sell off those hatchlings) soon!
Well Rich,
with this sydrome I would guess that you have to either give up your thumb or give all the corn snakes that you have to me. I would say that the second option (giving me the corn snakes) would be the best idea to do. It's better to give up your business than to lose your fingers.....so I guess that we should now go to a lawer and sign the contract and leave everything to me...


I really don't know what to do...but I really hope that you will recover very soon. I want to get some snakes from you already...LOL....

Rest more!
Well, the way I see it.....

Well, the way I see it is you need to alternate the way you open up the lids on the cups. Here's how the pros do it! :)
After the glue has dried on your thumb here is what you do. Place your thumb on the top part of the lid. Then, take the finger you point w/ and that long middle finger and press them against the bottom of the lid and lift. Works for me!! :) Then, when those two fingers get sore, go back to the thumb thing for awhile. :)
Really Rich, with a little more practice, you will be a pro like the rest of us!!

Take Care!!
I'll trade you my left tub, I'd say its worth an adult pair of Hypo Lavs and an adult pair of Hypo Bloods. Hope you don't mind, it's ladies size.;)
what you need is new skin

The glue idea got me thinking about a product called, "New Skin". Sounds like just what you need since your old skin is wearing off! It's an antiseptic liquid bandaid and you can find it at any pharmacy counter.

Unfortunately, my medical advice is not free. That will be one amel motley please.
Try one of those finger rubber thingys that the postoffice people use for thuming through letters. I dont know what they are called but it should save your fingers if you can get one to fit.
Around this time of year I normally suffer from a malady called "Crediticus Cardium Debtitus" - Fortunatly it's not as chronic as Rich's condition. With just a few weeks hard labor my condition normally clears up...
Twig - I think you meant an anery motley! Anerys are black & white (and grey and brown too, sometimes, but no red). Amels are red and white and pink and orange, but no black. :)
I cant spare a thumb but you can have my pinky toe to use as a thumb - I think they can sew it right on and you should have no problem shaking hands either :cool:
no one is going to see this....

you guys have all these weird ideas about artificial skin and superglueing skin (srry but that does sound that a pretty far-fetched idea....how would u get it off? Wouldn't it always bug you? infection?) and like rub pidgion poop on it or whatever..... couldn't you just put a banage on it? and if it still hurts maybe another......
you guys have all these weird ideas about artificial skin and superglueing skin (srry but that does sound that a pretty far-fetched idea....how would u get it off? Wouldn't it always bug you? infection?)

Hey, don't knock it til you try it. ;) Superglue and surgical skin glues form a protective coating to cover over exposed nerve endings that cause pain in small cuts and abrasions, and in effect numb them. For something as superficial as small paper cuts or abrasions, it's nice to just make the pain go away. Obviously this is not a sound choice with big, open wounds. We're talking "Oops, I sliced my finger...huh, it didn't bleed" kind of cuts. Without a full thickness cut or exposure of the subcutis, the dermis continues to pump out skin cells that cornify and eventually flake off. You don't (and can't) wash the glue off, it simply wears off in about a week (give or take) with normal skin cell turnover. Since the epidermis isn't breeched, the risk of infection is slim to nil. In fact, IMHO, it's much safer than a sweaty, nasty bandaid keeping the area moist and warm...perfect fodder for a skin infection, if'n ya ask me.

It's all in knowing the appropriate time to use it.