Sleeman's Original Draught is my favorite, followed by Sleeman's Honey Brown (though I'm pretty Honey-Browned out at the mo'), and I like some of the beers made by the micro-brewery here.
Other than that, I make a drink called VODKILL, mostly because you can make the strongest drink ever and not even taste the vodka...Me like! VODKILL consists of as much vodka as you can stand, a splash of gingerale, a splash of fruit juice (I like Dole strawberry kiwi) and then you use frozen fruit chunks as ice cubes. Like mangoes! MMMMM. But oh boy, if you're going to drink vodkill make sure you don't have anywhere to go the next day lol.
Also gin & sparkling grapefruit juice.
And whisky and gingerale, probably my favorite mixed drink ever, though I don't really drink it often, Boyfriend says it makes me violent or something...psssssh!