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Behaviour after a feed...


New member
Yesterday I fed my corn for the first time. The last few days she has been quite shy and spent most of the day curled up under her hide (which is normal).

She does tend to come out a bit a night and have a wonder around - but last night after her feed she was out all over the place - I have never seen her so active. Is this Usual???

Today she is under the wood chippings curled up, must be warmer down there for her?
I've got one who does the same thing. I think they're just like 'ok, maybe there's more food about the place, better go check and sniff about'. Then when they know there isn't any more mice hiding from them, they go and digest somewhere dark and quiet. It'll come back out when it feels more comfortable. If I ate so much my middle grew by a 3rd in size, I'd be hiding out in my bed too :) Think Christmas dinner.
hehe - yeah exactly!!

I also havn't had chance to check today weather there is a lump in her belly. She only came out late last night and now shes burried under the bark. I just replaced her water and she moved to inside her bark now - I didn't even see her move!
"...I just replaced her water and she moved to inside her bark now - I didn't even see her move!..."

That should read:

I Just replaced her water and she moved under her hide from beneath the bark - i didn't even see her move!
KaliCorn said:
Yesterday I fed my corn for the first time. The last few days she has been quite shy and spent most of the day curled up under her hide (which is normal).

She does tend to come out a bit a night and have a wonder around - but last night after her feed she was out all over the place - I have never seen her so active. Is this Usual???

Today she is under the wood chippings curled up, must be warmer down there for her?

How old is your snake? Corn snakes do tend to be more active at night so yes it is normal.
I agree though, maybe she was so active because she was looking for more food. My snakes usually eat then spend the next couple of days in their hides recovering from their big meal :)
What do you feed yor snake and how many?

I fed her for the first time last night - A f/t pinky. She has only just really started to become more active today. I placed an empty toilet roll in there today and she seems to like to hide out in the cooler end this evening. I see a slight bumb just over half way down her body. Think its her 4th feed since she was born on 13th march 2006. I will probably feed in 5 days time with another pinky then move up to 2 at a time, seem ok?
two at a time is fine I think as long as the snake eats it, just before I moved Red-Eye up to fuzzies he was on three pinkies because a fuzzie was just a little too big, but anyway try two and see what happens, if rejected at first simply leave it for her overnight if it's still there in the morning remove it and wait a couple more feedings before trying again.
pitlover said:
two at a time is fine I think as long as the snake eats it, just before I moved Red-Eye up to fuzzies he was on three pinkies because a fuzzie was just a little too big, but anyway try two and see what happens, if rejected at first simply leave it for her overnight if it's still there in the morning remove it and wait a couple more feedings before trying again.

Make sure you throw away the uneaten mouse if you do leave it overnight! It has most likely gone bad and I wouldn't recommend leaving it there until your snake decides it's hungry again. It's like leaving milk out until you're ready for a drink and it comes out like cottage cheese.
Hehee thanks guys,

She was handled tonight - 48 hours after her feed and she was fine! She is now a lot more confident and seems to enjoy her viv! How often do you guys bath your snakes? I may put some warm water in my bathroom sink and take her for a bath???? good or bad idea??

Here she is chillin - first time i've been free to start taking photographs without her bolting away!


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I never bathe mine. I don't feel it is necessary unless there is a problem shedding. The only one I've had to so a shed removing soak was my son's ball python. He had some retained shed that I needed to get off.

I've found that my snakes don't really like being in water anyway.
sounds like she is doing really good to me and settling fine. (lovely pic, she is gorgeous)

I agree with becky, i never bath mine either, she will have a soak in her water if she wants too. Unless (like Becky says) she has trouble shedding

Good luck with her

Isobel :cheers:
I wouldn't use the sink. Water out of the tap is not really great for her. I have warmed up distilled water and put it in a clean container and let my ball python swim around to help with her shed right after I got her.

She is a very pretty snake and that is a great viv!!
I agree, just put a big enough water bowl in the viv that she could fit in curled up if she's so inclined. I'll come out right now and admit I did it once with 3 of mine just to see what would happen (blocked all escape holes, had a way for them to get out if they wanted, supervised). Good advice I got on this: if the water feels warm to you, it's too warm. It was just curiosity on my part, I won't be doing it again, but it'd be very hypocritical of me to say 'never do it'. :) Some people bathe theirs all the time, but to me mine looked freaked out by it, and then there's the lovely 'you made me swim, I'm going to punish you with poop' reaction. :rolleyes:
ickle_moose said:
'you made me swim, I'm going to punish you with poop' reaction. :rolleyes:

LOL!!! I hear ya, mine acts like a cat with a fresh litter box when I give her fresh water! I usually won't put a lot in her bowl cuz I know that I will have to dump it and it will have uckie stuff in it. I put more water in the 2nd bowl for her. Ruby is the only one of my snakes that poop in her water bowl, so I guess I am lucky.

If they get nasty during feeding or what have you, I have sprayed them down with my water mister and wiped them down w/ a paper towel.
Some of my snakes do slither around a bit before going into a hide to digest theri meal. My yellow ratsnake stays out and alert for like 10 minutes at least. She eats like a wolf and always hopes for more to come. I have to be carefull not to put my hand in with her too fast then, or she'll think it's another mouse.....ouch!
Mine is having trouble shedding. Sunny is a baby. 1 ft long i'm guessing, maybe bigger. Any hints to help him out? I read about the water, he didn't seem to mind it, but still....
Wachee said:
Water out of the tap is not really great for her. I have warmed up distilled water and put it in a clean container and let my ball python swim around to help with her shed right after I got her.QUOTE]

Should I use Distilled water for the water she drinks also? I have been using tap water.