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Best **INEXPENSIVE** incubator?


I know which incubator I am going to be getting eventually, but right now can't quite work that into my budget and I need to get one here and ready soon. SO what is the best inexpensive incubator to use??
I made several.

One I used was a wine fridge that I got on craigslist for $30, packed the sides with insulation I got from a mouse order, hooked up a 20 gallon UTH to a thermostat and placed that in the bottom, and had a digital probe thermometer in with the eggs.

The second (and third) are giant styrofoam shipping boxes that I got from work. I use a 20 gallon UTH, and the thermostat again. I measured about 3 inches up two opposite sides and marked every 2 inches or so. Then I bought some 1/4 dowel rods, cut them to length, and poked them through the box to make a platform. The UTH is on the bottom and the egg boxes rest on the platform and can stack on each other.
I made this one out of an aquarium heater and an old Rubbermaid tub. If you have a consistant room temperature of 70-75 degress, you really don't have to add much heat.

I don't use an incubator. ;) I just stick mine in a closet that the temp is between 76 and 80. Granted my incubation times can vary but it work really well.
Right now we live in a basement apartment and the temp can vary a LOT. Most times I am freezing my butt off..... which is why I am always checking my snakes' heat as well. It would give me peace of mind to have them in an incubator that keeps a steady temp.
Do you use a better t-stat than what comes with the incubator?

Nope. We use the incubator for the heat and place the eggs in containers with 1 small hole to control humidity. Once every couple of days we spray them and in about 60 days out pop little snakes. :)
I'm with Christen...I shelf-incubated last year, and all but one egg hatched perfectly. But we only had one clutch so it was easy enough to monitor (our bedroom stays fairly consistent in temperature as well)

It took them a little longer to hatch...74 days as opposed to 60 or so.