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Best Substrate with UTH


New member
I just got a zoo med UTH for my 10 gallon tank. I wanted to know what is the best type of substrate to use because Im using recycled paper type bedding and I don't want it to catch fire. Is aspen wood shavings good?
I use aspen with my mine which is very common. Aspen is very good in my opinion....and being the kind of person I am..I have to ask..do you have a thermostat on yours?
666killademon said:
I just got a zoo med UTH for my 10 gallon tank. I wanted to know what is the best type of substrate to use because Im using recycled paper type bedding and I don't want it to catch fire. Is aspen wood shavings good?

Just make sure you regulate your UTH so whatever you use won't catch on fire. Newpaper is fine, aspen is prefer by most.
Alright thanks, but no I don't got a thermostat I just unplug it when it gets too hot. I couldn't find a cheap one I went to Petco and theirs was $40.00
666killademon said:
Alright thanks, but no I don't got a thermostat I just unplug it when it gets too hot. I couldn't find a cheap one I went to Petco and theirs was $40.00
That actually makes my face screw up. Unfortunately...I would say you need a thermostat. How do you know its getting too hot? Do you have a digital thermometer?...and what do you do at night...and when you are out...you cant always be unplugging the heatmat. Somewhere along the line....something bad will happen.
lyndy299 said:
That actually makes my face screw up.
:roflmao:.......and that made mine, as well.
i believe that snake is in for a wild ride. good luck to it.

Yeah I do got a digital thermometer and you're right about night time and while Im out. Do you know of any cheaper models of thermostat?
Yeah that is expensive because you guys are hypes that take this stuff way too seriously. This aint your life (unless it is) there is no reason to get smart.
666killademon said:
Yeah that is expensive because you guys are hypes that take this stuff way too seriously. This aint your life (unless it is) there is no reason to get smart.

Why don't you just buy a rubber snake then. :crazy02:
You can get a lamp dimmer from WalMart or some hardware store for about $9 that will workj much better than turning it off when you get around to it.
Or do a Froogle search for the ZooMed 500R- you can find it for around $20.

Or inside the tank, put a heavy piece of ceramic floor tile over the heat mat and check the temp- that should take it down a notch as a temporary measure and your snake won't be able to get under it.


But yeah, I've paid the $40 at Petsmart just because I needed the thermostat right now. Oh well.
666killademon said:
Yeah that is expensive because you guys are hypes that take this stuff way too seriously. This aint your life (unless it is) there is no reason to get smart.

You're right, it's not our life, it's YOUR SNAKES LIFE. Unregulated ZooMed heat pads can get up to 100+ degrees, which will literally melt the skin off your snake if it crawls down to the glass level. This is NOT something you will want to deal with or see when it happens to you.

$40 for a thermostat is cheap compared to the hundreds of dollars in vet bills caring for a badly burned snake can accrue. There's more that goes into caring for an animal than the purchase price of the animal itself.

I truly hope that your assessment of financial requirements will be more in thorough when it comes to having a child than it apparently has been when purchasing your snake.
A Photo Journey of Thermal Burns


From Tufts University School of Vet. Med

This is why you must regulate that heat pad. Go with the lamp dimmer if you must... anything to keep the pad from heating up to 100+ degrees.
The fact is, if you get a cheap thermostat, you are risking failure on its part. I have spent over 300.00 on thermostats strictly because I do not want the snake to suffer, or anything in my home to catch fire.
Heres a question for you? Was this an impulse buy/someone gave it to you? I assume so...because anyone who had well thought out getting a corn (or indeed any snake) would have also seriously considered the costs involved in getting the correct equipment...not just the price of the snake itself. I have also noticed a large number or threads started by yourself and I begin to wonder if you have actually done any research at all. The fact of it all is that research for an animal with specific requirements such as your corn should be done well in advance of actually getting the animal. If you do not know how to look after it...you shouldnt have it...Now Im not saying you shouldnt have the corn...what I am saying is that you should have made sure you had the time/money/commitment before taking this animal on.

You seem to get angry at others a little too quickly. If you call people names and don't respect them, then they have no reason to give you any advice. Simply put, some of these "hypes" have successfully kept and bred corns for longer than either of us have been alive. And their success comes from the practice that you called "tak[ing] this stuff too seriously."

The fact is, an unregulated UTH is a serious risk to your snake's health (and life, quite possibly).

I would strongly encourage you to get a rheostat, thermostat, or lamp dimmer as soon as possible. I would also encourage you to carefully read the Husbandry and Basic Care FAQ before posting to see if that answers any of your questions.