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Best way to feed live?


New member
Some of you may know my boa has been on a 5 week hunger strike and has begun to lose weight. I am going to get a live mouse or rat soon to try and get a meal into him but have some questions. Should I dangle the rodent from tongs to avoid the boa getting bit? I imagine the mouse will sqeek and this will make me cry and feel like a real butt head, but if that safer okay. Or should I just stick mouse and boa in a feeding bin and watch carefully? Should I get a mouse, rat, or gerbil? He has been on mice but evenually will need rats. Should I get him a larger, 2 smaller, or same size rodent? He eats weanling or sm. adult mice as is, but I was thinking mybe 2 hoppers instead. I know methods will vary just looking for a little guidence:)
I don't know if this is the correct method or not, but I volunteer at a reptile hospice/sanctuary, so it's not uncommon to find finicky or non-feeders. The guy who runs the operation will generally hold live rats/mice by the tails and make sure to get the snake's attention. It usually doesn't take long for the snake to strike. Sometimes, however, in extreme cases (I can never watch), he'll stun/paralyze the prey item and put it in the tank, and it usually only ever twitches a bit, but doesn't run around. He does that for highly stressed/scared snakes that get intimated by a mouse or rat that is moving too much.

Not sure how much I helped, but good luck with your guy! I hope he eats for you soon! :}
When my boa started refusing frozen, I switched to live. I offered hoppers, as he's around 100g. First couple he didn't strike until they had wandered right up to him, but his last feeding he went after it.

Don't dangle with tongs, you will definitely hurt the mouse, plus your boa may not go for it. You didn't say how big he is, but start with one hopper and if he takes it, adjust his feedings from there.
I'd say stunned or prekilled but still twitching is safest for anything with teeth. What size prey was he taking? Perhaps a rat fuzzy would be better than an adult mouse as less likely to cause damage to the snake if it has to be live feeding?
They had no rat pups which was my first choice or hopper size mice so here I am with the cutest little grey mouse in the world about to see if Lunch will eat him, but if not I have a new mouse named Olivia:(
Well I guess I am happy to report after 5 weeks of refusing Lunch had his Lunch. I will try f/t again in 2 weeks before doing this again though the sound that little grey mouse made will be with me for awhile:(
I know so why do I feel terrible? J9 that little mouse was so cute and the shrill scream she let out was horrifying. I just don't know how people do this all the time and hope this is a first and last experience for us,lol. I am over the moon he ate though:)
I know so why do I feel terrible? J9 that little mouse was so cute and the shrill scream she let out was horrifying. I just don't know how people do this all the time and hope this is a first and last experience for us,lol. :)

Thats where being deaf has its advantages..
I'm sorry you had to go through that, Danielle. I know I was SO IMMENSELY RELIEVED when Mouse ate after her hunger strike that I wouldn't have to go buy a live pinky... I can't even imagine how people who feed live by choice can stand that...
You feel terrible because you are a caring person, but in a choice between the snake starving and live feeding there wasn't any option left. I don't know how anyone could feed live without a pang of misgiving. I'd suggest trying fresh killed for the next feeding in about a week, good luck.
We had already tried a p/k but by the time I rushed home with it well...it was more like real killed and he said no way. Being that he ate an adult mouse which is a good sized meal for him still I'm waiting another 10-14 so he's good and hungry and trying to go back to f/t then. I wouldn't have ever fed live in the first place if he hadn't lost weight, but the weight made me worry. If he refuses f/t in 2 weeks then I'll wait another week or two and try another f/t, and then live if he refuses. Some boas just go off feed for the winter so I'm hoping thats all this is and he goes back to eating well on his own:)
I had a feeling you wee one would take a live mouse. Sorry you had to do that though. It bothers me still when I have to do it. On the next feeding go back to f/t but make sure the mouse is really really warm and dry. Make it do the zombie dance and try to trick your boa to thinking it's the real deal. It might work, might not. Let's just stay positive and hope it will. :)
It better Becky,lol My husband looked at me when I came out of the room and said whats wrong you look like you've seen a ghost. I said the snake ate and he laughed at me. When he was a kid he had snakes and back then everyone fed live so he thinks I'm retarded. Whats the zombie dance btw? I usually would dangle the f/t mouse by the tail allowing it to slowly sway a bit and he would just snatch and coil immediately. Is there a better way?

And thanks for your help Becky you were right:)
The zombie dance is just what you've been doing, wiggling it. I have an adult ATB that can be a bit picky at times. The times he wants live is rough though. I see the little face on the rat and feel horrible for putting him in there with him. :(

You welcome for the help. Any time I can be of service just give me a holler. LOL
That sucks, Danielle. I feel your pain! I dont know what I will do if I ever get a non-feeder. I've hand raised baby mice, and everyone around me thought I was CRAZY because it was a mouse...a parking lot mouse...but not to me.
That must have been very difficult. Your strong, and careing. I'm wishing you all the luck that Lunch just needed a kickstart on the food thing.