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Big black cat vs. 3 yr. old Amel= bad news


New member
Apparently my new 3 yr. old Amel escaped his new vivarium last night and had a run in with my 13 lb. favorite cat. The snake (Zeppelin) actually fared pretty well. He has a scratch about an inch or so long and is missing one other scale.
I found him a few feet away, underneath the 55 gallon, wedged inside of an aquarium ornament. I eventually got him out. He seems to be okay, besides the scratch, of course.
I put antibiotic ointment on him, and his is now soaking in his water dish with a blanket over the tank. I thought a little peace might be in order.
Is there anything else I need to do, besides changing the aspen to newspaper?
Do you all think he'll be okay, but just missing scales?
The wound doesn't look deep; basically just missing scales.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance,
I would just continue to put the anitbiotic on daily. I myself used Neosporin on wound from a mouse bite at the suggestion of many people and it worked like a dream; the wound healed quickly with no infection.

It whould heal up quickly if you're using some ointment. Depending on how bad the wound is, your snake might have a scar for a long time. But if it is a small would, it should the size should diminish over the course of a few sheds.

***Make sure to use the Neosporin WITHOUT the painkiller in it, for some reason it is toxic; or so I've been told. Just regular Neosporin.***
***Make sure to use the Neosporin WITHOUT the painkiller in it, for some reason it is toxic; or so I've been told. Just regular Neosporin.***

Right. Just make sure you do NOT use antibiotic ointment with painkiller. Period. The painkiller in that is dosed for a 70 kilogram adult mammal or so. Putting that much on a reptile is basically an overdose. The smaller the snake, the worse. Some things, like chameleons, seem pretty sensitive to it, too. As just recommended, use the one without painkiller!

Thank you guys, so much!! I did actually use the stuff with the painkiller in it last night, before you all told me not to. Luckily Zeppelin decided to soak in his water dish right afterwards. He now has his own tube of Neosporin.
He also decided not to eat; although yesterday was his feeding day. I'm thinking he's probably a bit stressed and I'll try again next week. I also changed the aspen out for newspaper. I'm going to try to give him some peace for a while. I'll do pics soon.

I have a similar situation

I too have a little escape artist, but he is a juvenile. He escaped one night about 2 weeks ago, and when I found him under the couch, I didn't notice anything was wrong with him. The next night, I had him out and was holding him when I noticed, what I thought was a scratch on his bottom jaw. After I cleaned it out real good and put some peroxide on it, I figured out that his bottom jaw is ripped into. The only thing I can figure out is he might have had a run in with one of the cats... :shrugs: The wound is only about 1/2 long, but it does go all the way through to the inside of his mouth. We took him to the local exotic pets store, as we don't really have any reptile vets around here. The guy there looked at him, and said that he would be fine, and just to keep it clean, and put antibiotic ointment on the wound. I have been keeping him on newspaper and being extra cautious about not letting him get out, but the wound doesn't seem to be healing. It isn't bleeding or anything, it is just split. Should I stop feeding him until it heals up? Is there anything else I can do to get it to stay together so that it can heal? Liquid bandage??? ANy suggestions would be greatly appreciated! BTW, his name is Lenny!
I really wouldn't use that liquid bandage stuff. There are some chemicals in there that might hurt your snake. Just keep the wound clean. If it isn't healing you should probably see a herp vet.

Anyone else can think of anything better?
I just wanted to update you guys on how Zeppelin is doing. She (?) hasn't really wanted to eat anything but pinkies since the injury, but I'm expecting a shipment on thursday of some new (hopefully appetizing) mice, so I hope that will tempt her. I've been putting bacitracin (with no numbing in it) on her about every other day. She seems to be doing well.
It does seem like the cat scratch/swipe didn't go any deeper than pulling off the scales, and one separate scale.
I'll let you look for yourself since I finally got around to posting pics.
These were taken several days ago now.

Thanks for looking.


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Wow, looks like your kitty had a bit of fun there. The snake looks like it just lost some scales. I don't see any bloody wounds like I expected to see. Phew. You're doing a great job of helping the healing process anyway.

My pueblan milk snake escaped one time, and my 13lb cat decided the snake looked like a fun toy...Boy, was he ever wrong about that. The snake fought back, and won. He ended up biting my cat on the nose and hanging on for dear life. I was in another part of the house looking for the snake, when I heard my cat let out a yelp. When I arrived at the scene, I was completely dippieflipped at seeing my cat, looking up at me innocently, with a 3 foot milk snake dangling from his nose. About that time, the snake let go and the cat ran and hid for almost half a day.

Needless to say, the cat learned his lesson, but made it out of the fight with only a tiny wound on his nose. The snake didn't suffer a scratch.
Wow, looks like your kitty had a bit of fun there. The snake looks like it just lost some scales. I don't see any bloody wounds like I expected to see. Phew. You're doing a great job of helping the healing process anyway.

My pueblan milk snake escaped one time, and my 13lb cat decided the snake looked like a fun toy...Boy, was he ever wrong about that. The snake fought back, and won. He ended up biting my cat on the nose and hanging on for dear life. I was in another part of the house looking for the snake, when I heard my cat let out a yelp. When I arrived at the scene, I was completely dippieflipped at seeing my cat, looking up at me innocently, with a 3 foot milk snake dangling from his nose. About that time, the snake let go and the cat ran and hid for almost half a day.

Needless to say, the cat learned his lesson, but made it out of the fight with only a tiny wound on his nose. The snake didn't suffer a scratch.

That sounds so funny. Your cat is the same size as my Twilight, 13lbs.
And "Dippieflipped" is one of the funniest terms I've ever heard. I might have to use that one!!

Thanks for the encouragement, and the story.

No problem....and if you wanna use "dippieflipped," I grant you permission. haha. :)
One thing I am curious about is how large is your girl? At three years pinkies should be really very small for her. Do you have a scale to weigh her?
One thing I am curious about is how large is your girl? At three years pinkies should be really very small for her. Do you have a scale to weigh her?

Well, I just found out that Zeppelin is a boy, since he just mated with my Anery girl, Zelda two times! But, yes, he is very small to be that age. The family that I just got him from said that they had rescued him from someone who was only feeding him about once a month. They said that he was taking adult mice, but I've had a hard time with getting him to take anything bigger than a large pink, though sometimes five at a time. But last night, he did finally take a medium mouse, so I'm happy about that. I'm thinking that he's not really use to anything of an appropriate size, but I'm working with him. I'm hoping that he will keep taking the mediums, and thinking that maybe I'll try every five days for a while to see if he gains weight.
I did order a scale about a week ago, but it is yet to arrive.:smash:
The previous owners said he was two to three years old, they "thought", so it's pretty sketchy. If he is that old, will I even be able to get him to grow at all at this point?
He's about three feet long right now.
I will weigh him first, as soon as I get my scale and keep you guys updated.

Thanks so much for your concern. It is very appreciated.
