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Bigtiny & Angus were flooded


New member
My house was flooded in early May by Ky. River. House is now just a shell, but repairs got started this week. Angus has survived like a trooper, had to relocate for a few days, but is home now. My computer is in a box somewhere, so thats why we haven't been checking in. Am finally able to sit down and check out the forum again on daughter's computer. Glad to be back ! HOpe to remember how to post pictures. I had just figured out how to do it & then the water started rising!!
That's awful! I have a lot of family in KY and I know the floods were terrible. I'm glad you and yours all came out ok. Welcome back!
Man, I am sorry to hear. I know it seemed like the rain was never gonna stop there for a while. I hope you get things fixed sooner rather than later.