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Bit of a problem

Razorblade Jinx

New member
Alright… so today (a week and a half later) I found Circe. Which is awesome. I have already gotten another snake though. Anerythristic Augustine. So Circe is about 6 months old and August is about one month old. I KNOW you people always advise against keeping them together, but, like the idiot that I am, do you think I can do it? I don’t have space for another tank and I don’t want to give August up. Do you think the age difference is too large? Any ideas? And I mean ideas (don’t yell at me to never have them together, I just want some hints from people who have tried it and what not)
I kept 2 corns together for 3 years. They were the same length and size, and roughly the same age. I have them in a 20 gal long till they were about 2 years old, then moved them to a 50 gal. Now, I have them seperate because of keeping my snakes in a rack. What you could do, is get some glass or plexi-glass and devide the tank in half (as long as you have a large enough tank). Thus you have to vivs in the space of one.
At the very least, go to Wal-mart, Kmart etc and get a plastic shoebox for the little one, You're much better off keeping them separated. those shoeboxes are less than $3
and with a one month old, you really need to be able to keep a good eye out for health issues
My vote is with pcar on the plexiglass divider. If you're pressed for space this seems to be the way to go. There's probably a pretty big size difference between Circe and August, and it'd be horrible is August ended up as lunch.

Congratulations on finding Circe, btw! Just out of curiousity, where did you end up finding him?
If you do a search, there should be a thread on here about someone that devided their tanks, and they posted pictures of what it looks like. If you have questions about how to do this, you can either ask them or post the questions here.
buy a shoe box or sweater box. lot easier than buying plexi, cutting to size, sealing in place, then moving heat to create gradient for both sides of a divided enclosure.
but but..... there isn't that much of a size difference for some reason... and i just looked in on them and they are all cuddles up together and for once August isn't all nervous like he usually is when i try to take him out. why is it everyone assumes that snakes don't derive comfert from lying together? i just. i don't want to seperate them unless i really have to, i guess. if anything i am more worried about Circe getting pregnent (if Augustine is a boy) too early in life... but. i don't know. they really seem to get along .
ok, when you find snakes in the wild, the only time you will see more than one snake in the same area is either during mating or when a clutch of eggs hatch. The mother usually leaves the eggs and the babies never know the parents. This is known as a fact.

In captivity, you can keep 2 snakes together, and they will get accostom to each other with time. However, if for some reason you miss a feeding, or one just gets more hungry, you have a chance to loose the smaller of the two snakes. Have you searched on the forum here about all the pros and cons about keeping 2 snakes together?

In the end, it all comes down to the owners personal decision. But, make sure that you ready everything you can about this and way the risks. Some believe that the risks are worth it and some don't.
Razorblade Jinx, I would advise that 2 adults can live together but anything less should be seperated. Saying that I do seperate all my snakes, but if i HAD to keep 2 together because of a room/cageing issue, they would have to adult's that i have had at least a couple of years so i know their personality.

Any way have a look here and make your own mind up.


Hope this helps, and i do agree that keeping 2 together can work, but is it worth the risk? In my mind no it isn't.
my 2 okees were born of the same clutch and have been together since .

i think separating them would do more harm then good. They are siblings after all.
If you get one of those shoebox/sweaterbox things from Wal-Mart, your little snake will have plenty of room to grow in and since it is lighter than a regular glass viv you can just stack the shoebox on top of your existing viv. I know it isn't exactly pretty, but its better than waking up to find on of your snakes missing. While the two are about the same size now, they probably won't stay that way for long.
It sounds as if you already had your mind made up...so why ask?

The thing that really concerns me most is that your MIA snake could have picked up a disease or parasites while he was off seeing the world. If he did, then now the other one has been exposed to it. He should have been quarantined for at least 6 months.
could it have gotten a desease while in my dorm room? i know she couldn't have left it. and she seems healthy (just shed and eats and everything)
i know. i know. i guess i was hoping someone who does keep their corn snakes would tell me it would be alright. i really enjoy observing them interacting and they seem to like being with each other. i just don't understand why everyone always completely ignores the fact that if two snakes in a spacious viv are ALWAYS found cuddling together they probably like each other, for security, or whatever reason.

I have done both will no ill effects. HOWEVER, now I keep everyone seperate in thier own cages. You have to do what you feel is right. You can ask for opinions, but it is you that is going to make your decision. Yes, there are people that do both. But, I prefer to house mine seperately.
Razorblade Jinx said:
i just don't understand why everyone always completely ignores the fact that if two snakes in a spacious viv are ALWAYS found cuddling together they probably like each other, for security, or whatever reason.
OR simply because they need very similar environments for health reasons. I do not feel it has anything to do with enjoying each others company.

And yes, it is possible that she could have gotten something while being MIA...especially if she was eating wild mice. My point being...you just don't know what they might be exposed to even if there was NO way for her to get out of your room.
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I have a 6 month old corn, and a year and 5 month old living together, might I add though, my year/5 month old one is way small because it was with the supplier for a year, and they only feed the snakes enough to keep them alive pretty much, like once a month, so now that I got her, she is growing, but they are around the same lenght, but my year one is just a little thicker. Mine are always curled around eachother, not as much as a cuddle thing(although no one will ever know, since we can't turn into snakes and see how they feel, we can only guess) but they are always curled up, sharing eachothers body heat. but if you do keep them togehter, just make sure you keep them seperated when feeding, and keep them seperated 30minutes after feeding. I feed mine 2 or three days apart, so when one goes to the bathroom, I'll know which one went. so just watch them, and keep them together, yes, do it.
I feel the same way CornCrazy. The snakes are usually sharing the only hide in that temperature zone and have no choice but to do so if they want to feel securely sheltered. I don't know that it's so much they like each other, as they like to be out in the open less. If you have one hide on the warm side, and one on the cool side, and they both need to be warm...........what are they going to do. Sit together in that one hide. And just to state a fact Darkstar, reptiles don't have body warmth. They are cold blooded and rely on their environment to regulate their temperature.
Just another point worth mentioning.
If the elder one is a male, then from about 18 months old he will probably be ready to breed. You will definately have to seperate them then.
My male Anery thinks of nothing else for about 3 months every year, not even eating!
If he were with another snake, the stress he would cause it would be incredible.
You might as well seperate them now, than be forced to later.
I've heard that body heat thing from other people, but anyway, my supplier has like 40 corns, like 2 in each viv, and he sais to have like 4 hides, well he has 4 hides in each one, if not more if you include the plants that they hide under, yet they are still usually curled together.....??? so like I said, we will never know how they think, or what they are thinking, or anything of the emotional state. Anyway, thankyou for telling me about that body heat thing, I guess after I think of it it does make sence, but dont you think they may be able to get warmer by curling up together? because their bodies still warm up when they are in the warm hide. anyway, cya guys. No offence to be taken with this or any of my posts. cya