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Bite Thread (Sound Off)


Start Wearing Purple
I'd like to start a nice, light hearted thread because I am bored.

So, which cold blooded critters have laid their teeth on you? I actually have an ongoing blog about this subject. It is updated with any new species that I've been bit by. Pics are always welcome. Let's see your battle wounds (or at least an account of them.)
I'll start.
Corn Snakes (of course)
California Kings
Mexican Black Kings
Speckled Kings
Desert Kings
Chain Kings
Blotched Kings
Brooks Kings
Variable Kings (thayeri)
Tarahumara Mtn. Kings (knoblochi)
Sinaloan Milks
African House Snakes
Many species of Garter Snakes
San Diego Gopher Snakes
Kenyan Sand Boas
Ball Pythons
Dumeril's Boas
Boa Constrictors (imperator)
Spotted Pythons
Irian Jaya Carpet Pythons
Eastern Yellow Belly Racers
Rosy Boas (many species)
Guyanan Rainbow Boas
Western Hognose Snake

Leopard Geckos
African Fat Tail Geckos
Crested Geckos
Sarasinorum Gecko
Jewelled Lacertas
Bearded Dragons
Southern Alligator Lizards

Frog (you read that right, a frog):
Pixie Frog

And here are some of my bite pics. The Sunglow Boa bit me just before the picture, but he was still mad:




Colombian Red Tail Boa

Anole(s)<<this happened a couple times, but they don't hurt even remotely...
Iguana(s)<<again...more than once(but I'd rather be bit by a big iguana than tailwhipped)

That's it for the reptile world. I've been bitten by dogs, cats, spiders, and stung by a scorpion once, but...
tyflier said:
Colombian Red Tail Boa

Anole(s)<<this happened a couple times, but they don't hurt even remotely...
Iguana(s)<<again...more than once(but I'd rather be bit by a big iguana than tailwhipped)

That's it for the reptile world. I've been bitten by dogs, cats, spiders, and stung by a scorpion once, but...
We can include bugs. What species were the spiders and Scorpion?
chameleons, anoles, BP, black racer, corn, various geckos, fence lizards, bull snakes, garter snakes, the malagasy hognoses--giant and blonde.

And a sting ray.

And I once caught a salamander so big that it drew blood when it bit me.
lefty_mussolini said:
We can include bugs. What species were the spiders and Scorpion?

Don't know to be honest. They were "wild", not pets, and they all happened while out climbing something(rocks or trees, or whatever). The scorpion was pretty big and dark black, kind of like the ones in the pet shops that you see, and was in the ,middle of the Arizona desert outside of Phoenix. Didn't really hurt that bad, and I never even got sick. Spiders have been all over the country, in various climates and habitats from climbing trees in the forest to climbing rocks in the desert. I have a habit of sticking my fingers into handholds at the wrong time and getting bitten. Nothing serious, yet. :shrugs:
tyflier said:
Don't know to be honest. They were "wild", not pets, and they all happened while out climbing something(rocks or trees, or whatever). The scorpion was pretty big and dark black, kind of like the ones in the pet shops that you see, and was in the ,middle of the Arizona desert outside of Phoenix. Didn't really hurt that bad, and I never even got sick. Spiders have been all over the country, in various climates and habitats from climbing trees in the forest to climbing rocks in the desert. I have a habit of sticking my fingers into handholds at the wrong time and getting bitten. Nothing serious, yet. :shrugs:

We have only three species of scorpion here, and the only large one is the desert hairy. It's the least toxic of the three. They are not usually black as far as I know, but they are darker than the other two species we have.
love the bottom pic of the hatchling corn...feisty one!

I've been bitten by:
Corn snake
Cali King
Red Tail Boa
Brazilian Rainbow Boa

Green anole
Tokay gecko
Green iguana

The worst bite I got was from the Tokay gecko. They have razor sharp teeth. I found one outside in my driveway...must've been someone's pet that either got away or was let go...I saw him and without thinking, I wanted a closer look so I bent down and stuck out my hand to try and grab him. He grabbed me. Quick bugger too. I've picked up skinks and other lizards with no problems, this guy wanted to tear me up. Once I freed my hand, I let him be. I was not going to mess with him again. From that day on, I kept a look out for any kids with missing fingers, figured that may be the tokay's previous owner.

The funniest one was the green anole...he would not let go! I had to pry his mouth open, which not easy to do with one hand. It did not really even hurt it was just annoying to have this lizard attached to my thumb. If I pulled on him, he'd clamp down harder. And everytime I'd open his enclosure, he'd come leaping up at me and try and bite my thumb.

And as for bugs...I've been bitten by a black widow, when I lived out in the Mojave Desert. They lived in our garage. One had built a web on my bike. I went to pull out my bike and the spider got me. I had to go to the hospital...really sucked and now I really do not like spiders.
i've been stung by Vaejovis spinigerus, Serradigitus gertschi striatus, Isometrus maculatus, and Centruroides exilicauda.

i've been pretty quick to avoid a lot of bites, but have been nailed by my Emerald Tree Boa, Corns, and Amazon Tree Boas
I'm sure I'll forget a few, but:

Corn snakes, Cali kings, African house snakes, garter and ribbon snakes, water snakes, rosy boas, iguanas, anoles, and swifts.

I'm happy to say that I've never been bitten by emoryis or Kisatchies, which I keep. :)

Edit: Chris K.'s post reminded me that I've been bitten by a Baird's rat snake too.
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desertanimal said:
We have only three species of scorpion here, and the only large one is the desert hairy. It's the least toxic of the three. They are not usually black as far as I know, but they are darker than the other two species we have.
It may not have been black. It was near dusk and I only saw it as it scurried away. It was definately big and dark, though...
tyflier said:
It may not have been black. It was near dusk and I only saw it as it scurried away. It was definately big and dark, though...

Definitely a desert hairy, then. That's pretty cool, because I think they're pretty shy and not often seen. I've never seen one, and I've spent a lot of time digging in primate scorpion habitat. I've seen lots of the other two species, but never the big one. Cool!
well including been tagged:
Corn snakes
Black rat snakes
Ball pythons
Rainbow boa
Bairds ratsnake
Carpet pythons
A monster rosy boa
Leopard geckos
AFT geckos
Ackie monitor
Lets see....

As a kid...A garter snake and probably an anole or two

In recent years?

- Leucistic Texas Ratsnake (not mine!)
- Baby Bearded Dragon (hehehehe)
- Mexican Black Kingsnake
- Baby Speckled King
- Ball Python:


- Albino Cali King:

Hmmm...let's see.

- corns (hatchling to adult)
- ball pythons (hatchling to subadult)
- leopard gecko

- corns
- ball pythons
- boa (5' and young-uns)
- pac man frog (drew blood)
- juvenile savannah monitor (bit through leather and kevlar gloves)

As you can see Jonathan's had it worse than me. Don't think we have any pics though. I'll have to look and see if we do or not.

Not been bitten by to many things. Once by a baby corn snake.
Been stung by a jellyfish though.

Do police tazers count? :grin01:
I've been bit by a garter snake or two, a green anole, and a house gecko. Nothing other than that though.
Right, here we go:

7' yellow anaconda
6' burmese
4' royal python
boa constrictors
7' grey rat
cali king
mexican black king
carpet python
three corns
yellow rat
4' florida king

green iguana
green anole
bearded dragon
fully grown bosc monitor

red rump tarantula

amazon parrot
brown headed parrot
2 dogs :sidestep: